perm filename ALLHEU.TEX[AM,DBL]3 blob sn#400099 filedate 1978-12-06 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
C00001 00001
C00005 00002	\ASEC{HEURISTICS}
C00010 00003
C00017 00004	\ASSEC{Heuristics for dealing with Any-concept}
C00018 00005	\ASSSEC{Heuristics for any facet of Any-concept}
C00033 00006	 \ASSSEC{Heuristics for the Examples facets of Any-concept}
C00067 00007	 \ASSSEC{Heuristics for the Conjecs facet of Any-concept}
C00076 00008	 \ASSSEC{Heuristics for the Analogies facet of Any-concept}
C00085 00009	 \ASSSEC{Heuristics for the Genl/Spec facets of Any-concept}
C00115 00010	 \ASSSEC{Heuristics for the View facet of Any-concept}
C00117 00011	 \ASSSEC{Heuristics for the In-dom/ran-of facets of Any-concept}
C00120 00012	 \ASSSEC{Heuristics for the Definition facet of Any-concept}
C00124 00013	\ASSEC{Heuristics for dealing with any Active concept}
C00141 00014	\ASSEC{Heuristics for dealing with any Predicate}
C00147 00015	\ASSEC{Heuristics for dealing with any Operation}
C00169 00016	\ASSEC{Heuristics for dealing with any Composition}
C00185 00017	\ASSEC{Heuristics for dealing with any Insertions}
C00186 00018	\ASSEC{Heuristics for dealing with the operation Coalesce}
C00194 00019	\ASSEC{Heuristics for dealing with the operation Canonize}
C00206 00020	\ASSEC{Heuristics for dealing with the operation Substitute}
C00210 00021	\ASSEC{Heuristics for dealing with the operation Restrict}
C00212 00022	\ASSEC{Heuristics for dealing with the operation Invert}
C00214 00023	\ASSEC{Heuristics for dealing with Logical combinations}
C00217 00024	\ASSEC{Heuristics for dealing with Struc\-tures}
C00221 00025	\ASSEC{Heuristics for dealing with Ordered-struc\-tures}
C00225 00026	\ASSEC{Heuristics for dealing with Unordered-struc\-tures}
C00226 00027	\ASSEC{Heuristics for dealing with Multiple-eles-struc\-tures}
C00227 00028	\ASSEC{Heuristics for dealing with Sets}
C00230 ENDMK

\qq{Infallible rules of discovery leading to the solution of all possible
mathematical problems  would be more desirable than the philosophers'
stone, vainly sought by the alchemists. Such rules would  work magic;
but  there  is no  such  thing  as  magic.  To find  unfailing  rules
applicable  to all sorts  of problems is an  old philosophical dream;
but this dream will never be more than a dream.}{P\'olya}


\qq{To the extent that a professor of music at a conservatoire can assist
his  students in becoming familiar  with the patterns  of harmony and
rhythm, and  with how they  combine, it  must be  possible to  assist
students in becoming sensitive to  patterns of reasoning and how they
combine. The analogy is not far-fetched at all}{Dijkstra}


This  appendix lists  all the heuristics  with which  AM is initially
provided.   They  are organized  by  concept, most  general  concepts
first.  Within a concept, they are organized into four groups:


\noindent $\bullet $  Fillin: rules for filling in new entries on various facets.

\noindent $\bullet $   Check:  rules for  patching  up  existing  entries on  various

\noindent $\bullet $  Suggest:  rules which  propose new  tasks to  break AM  out  of
stagnant loops.

\noindent $\bullet $   Interest:  criteria  for  estimating  the  interestingness  of
various entities.


Each heuristic is presented in English translation. Whenever there is
a very tricky, non-obvious, or brilliant translation of  some English
clause into LISP,  a brief note will follow about  how that is coded.
Also given  (usually) are some example(s) of its use, and its overall
importance.   Concepts which have  no heuristics  are not present  in
this appendix.

All the heuristics in this appendix were used by AM; in
many heuristics were planned  on paper but never coded  (e.g.,
those dealing  with proof techniques,  those dealing with  the drives
and  rewards  of generalized  message  senders/receivers),  and whole
classes of rules were  coded but never used by  AM during any of  its
runs (e.g., how to deal with  contradictions, how to deal with Intu's
facets).   Such superfluous  rules will  not be included  here.  They
would raise the total  number of heuristic rules from  242 to 
about 500.

The rule  numbering in this  Appendix is referred  to occasionally 
elsewhere.  The total number of rules coded in AM is  actually
higher, since many rules  are present but never used,  and since many
rules  listed with one  number here  are really {\it several}  rules in
LISP (e.g., see rules 35 and 188).



\hh If entity X is an example of concept C, and X satisfies some
features on C.Int,

Then X is interesting, and C's Interestingness features 
will indicate a numeric rating for X.


This is practically the {\sl definiton} of the Int facet. 
Below is a much more unusual rule:


\hh If entity X is an example of concept C, and X satisfies absolutely none of the
features on C.Int, and X is just about the only C which doesn't satisfy something,

Then X is interesting because of its unusual boringness.


Since most singletons are interesting because all pairs of their elements
are Equal, the above rule says it would be interesting actually to find a singleton
for which {\sl not} all pairs of its members were equal. While it would be interesting, AM has
very little chance of finding such a critter.

\ASSEC{Heuristics for dealing with Any-concept}

This concept has a huge number of heuristics. For that reason, I have partitioned
off --- both here and in AM itself\foo{
Thus the LISP program has a separate concept called ``Examples-of-any-concept",
another concept called ``Definitions-of-any-concept", etc.
} --- the heuristics which apply to each kind of facet. 

\ASSSEC{Heuristics for any facet of Any-concept}

The first set of heuristics we'll look at is very general, applying to no
particular facet exclusively.



\hh When trying to fill in facet F of concept C, for any C and F,

If C is analogous to concept X, and X.F has some entries,

Then try to construct the analogs of those entries, and see if they
are really valid entries for C.F.


Recall that ``C.F" is shorthand for ``facet F of concept C". This rule simply
says that if an analogy exists between two concepts C and X,
then it may be strong enough to map entries on X.F into entries for C.F.
Note that F can be any given facet.
There is an analogy between Sets and Bags, and AM uses the above rule to turn
the extreme example of Sets --- the empty set --- into the extreme kind of bag.



\hh If the F facet of concept X is blank, 

Then consider trying to fill it in. 


The above ultra-weak rule will result in a new task being added to the agenda,
for every blank facet of every concept. It is more of a legal move generator
than a plausible move proposer.
The rating of each such task will depend on the Worth of the concept X  and the
overall worth of the type F facet, but in all cases will be {\sl very small.}
The ``emptiness" of a facet is always a valid
reason for trying to fill it in, 
but never an {\sl a priori} important reason.
So the net effect of the rule is to slightly bias AM toward working on blank
--- rather than non-blank --- facets. 


\hh While trying to fill in facet F of concept C, for any C and F,
if C is known to be similar to some other concept D, except for difference d,

Then try to fill in C.F by selecting items from D.F for which d is nonexistent.


This rule is made more specific when F is actually known, and hence 
the format of
d is actually determined. For example, if C=Reverse-at-all-levels, F=examples,
then (at one particular moment) a note is found on the Conjecs facet of
concept C which says that C is just like the concept D=Reverse-top-level,
except C also recurs on the nonatomic elements of its arguments, whereas D doesn't.
Thus d is made null by choosing examples of D for which there are no nonatomic
elements. So an example like \6``Reverse-top-level(<a b c>)=<c b a>''\0 will be
selected and will lead to the proposed example
\6``Reverse-at-all-levels(<a b c>)=<c b a>"\1, which is in fact valid.


\hh After dealing with concept C,

Slightly, temporarily boost 
the priority value
of each existing task which involves an Active concept
whose domain or range is C.


This is done efficiently using the In-dom-of and In-ran-of facets of C.
A typical usage was after checking the just-filled-in 
examples of Bags, when AM slightly
boosted the rating of filling in examples of Bag-union, and this task
just barely squeaked through as the next one to be chosen.
Note that the rule reinforced that task twice, since both domain and range
of Bag-union are bags.



\hh When checking facet F of concept C, (for any F and C,)

Prune away at the entries there  until the facet's size is reduced to
the size which C merits.


The algorithm for doing this is as follows: The Worth of C is multiplied by
the overall worth of facet type F. This is normalized in two ways, yielding
the maximum amount of list cells that C.F may occupy, and also yielding the
maximum number of separate entries to keep around on C.F. If either limit
is being exceeded, then an entry is plucked at random (but weighted to favor
selection from the rear of the facet) and excised. This repeats as long as
C.F is oversized. As space grows tight, the normalization weights decline,
so each concept's allocation is reduced.


\hh When checking facet F of concept C,

Eliminate redundant entries.


Although it might conceivably mean something for an entry to occur twice,
this was never desirable for the set of facets which each AM concept possessed.


The interest features apply to tell how interesting a concept is, and are
rarely subdivided by relevant facet. That is, most of the reasons that
Any concept might be interesting will be given below.


\hh A  concept X is interesting if X.Conjecs contains some interesting entries.



\hh A concept is interesting if its boundary accidentally coincides with
another, well-known, interesting concept.


The boundary of a concept means the items which just barely fall into
(or just barely miss satisfying) the definition of that concept. Thus the
boundary of Primes might include 1,2,3,4.
If the boundary of Even numbers includes numbers differing by at most 1 from
an even number, then clearly their boundary is {\sl all} numbers. Thus it coincides
with the already-known concept Numbers, and this makes Even-nos more interesting.
This expresses the property we intuitively understand as: no number is very far
from an even number.


\hh A concept is interesting if its boundary accidentally coincides with
the boundary of another, very different, interesting concept.


Thus, for example, Primes and Numbers are both a little more interesting
since the extreme cases of numbers are all boundary cases of primes.
Even numbers and Odd numbers both have the same boundary, namely Numbers.
This is a tie between  them, and slightly raises AM's interest in both concepts.


\hh A concept is interesting if it is --- accidentally --- precisely the
boundary of some other, interesting concept.


In the case mentioned for the above rule, Numbers is raised in interest
because it turns out to be the boundary for even and odd numbers.


\hh A concept is boring if, after several attempts, only a couple
examples are found.


Another rule indicates, in such situations, that the concept may be
forgotten  and replaced by some conjecture.


\hh Concept C is interesting if some normally-inefficient operation F
can be efficiently performed on C's.


Thus it is very fast to perform Insert of items into lists because
(i) no pre-existence checking need be done (as with sets and osets),
and (ii) no ordered merging need be done (as with bags).
So ``Lists" is an interesting concept for that reason, according to the 
above rule.


\hh Concept C is interesting if each example of C accidentally seems to
satisfy the otherwise-rarely satisfied predicate P, or (equivalently)
if there is an unusual conjecture involving C.


This is almost a primitive affirmation of intererestingness.


\hh Concept C is interesting if C is closely related to the very interesting
concept X.


This is intererestingness by association. AM was interested in
Divisors-of because it was closely related to TIMES, which had
proven to be a very interesting concept.


\hh Concept C is interesting if there is an analogy in which
C corresponds to Y, and the analogs of the Interest features of Y
indicate that C is interesting.


This might have been a very useful rule, if only there had been more
decent analogies floating around the system. As it was, the rule was
rarely used to advantage. It essentially says that the analogs of
Interest criteria are themselves (probably) valid criteria.


\hh A concept C is interesting if one of its generalizations or specializations
turns out to be unexpectedly very interesting.


``Unexpected" means that the interesting property hadn't already been observed for
C. If C is interesting in some way, and then one of its generalizations is
seen to be interesting
in exactly
the same way, then that is ``expected". 
It's almost more interesting if the second concept unexpectedly {\sl lacks}
some fundamental property about C. At least in that case AM might learn something
about what gives C that property. In fact, AM has this rule:


\hh If concept C possesses some very interesting property lacked by one of its
specializations S,

Then both C and S become slightly more interesting. 


In the LISP program, this is closely linked with rule 999.


\hh If a concept C is re-derived in a new way, that makes it more interesting.

If concepts C1 and C2 turn out to be equivalent concepts, then merge them.
The combined concept is now more interesting than either of its predecessors.


The two conditionals above are really the same rule, so they aren't given
separate numbers. C1 and C2 might be conjectured equivalent because their
examples coincide, each is a generalization of the other, their definitions
can be formally shown to be equivalent, etc.
This rule is similar in spirit to rule number 101.

 \ASSSEC{Heuristics for the Examples facets of Any-concept}

The following heuristics are used for dealing  with the many kinds of
examples  facets which a concept  can possess: non-examples, boundary
examples, Isa links, etc.

\hs{Any-concept . Examples}{Fillin}


\hh To fill in examples  of X, where X is  a kind of Y (for some  more
general concept Y),

Inspect the examples of Y; some of them may be examples of X as well.

The further  removed Y is from  X, the less cost-effective  this rule


For the task of filling in Empty-struc\-tures, AM knows that concept is
a specialization of Struc\-tures,  so it looks over all  the then-known
examples of Struc\-tures. Sure enough, a few of them are empty (satisfy
Empty-struc\-tures.\-Defn).   Similarly,  for  the  task  of  filling  in
examples of Primes, this  rule would have AM notice that  Primes is a
kind  of Number, and  therefore look over  all the  known examples of
Number.  It would not be cost-effective to look for primes by testing
each example of Anything, and the third and final clause in the above
rule recognizes that fact.


\hh To fill in non-examples of concept X,

Search  the specializations  of  X. Look  at all  their non-examples.
Some of them may turn out to be non-examples of X as well.


This  rule   is   the  counterpart   of  the   last   one,  but   for
{\it non}-examples.    As  expected,  this  was less  useful  than  the
preceding positive rule.


\hh If the current task is to fill in examples of any concept X,

Then one way to get them is to symbolically instantiate a  definition
of X.


That rule simply says to use some known  tricks, some hacks, to wring
examples from  a declarative definition. One trick  AM knows about is
to plug  already-known examples of  X into  the recursive  step of  a
definition. Another  trick is simply  to try to instantiate  the base
step  of  a  recursive  definition.    Another  trick  is  to take  a
definition of  the form ``$\lambda $  (x) x  isa P, and   {\sl sub-expression}>",
work on instantiating just  the \4sub-expression\1, and then pop back
up and see which of those items are P's.


\hh If the current task is to fill in non-examples of concept X,

Then one fast way to get them is to pick any random item, any example
of Anything, and check that it fails X.Defn.


This is  an affirmation that  for any concept  X, most things  in the
universe will probably not be X's. This rule was almost never used to
good advantage: non-examples of a concept X were never  sought unless
there was some  reason to expect that they might  not exist. In those
cases,  the presumption of the  above rule was  wrong, and it failed.
That is, the rule succeeded iff it was not needed.\foo{ Catch-22? }


\hh To fill in examples of concept X,

If X.View tells how to view a Z as if it were an X, and some examples
of Z are known,

Then just  run X.View on those  examples, and check  that the results
really are X's.


Thus examples of osets were found by viewing other known examples  of
struc\-tures (e.g., examples of sets) as if they were osets.


\hh To fill in examples of concept X,

Find an operation whose  range is X,\foo{ or at least  {\it intersects} X. Use
the  In-ran-of facets  and  the rippling  mechanism to  find  such an
operation. } and find examples of that operation being applied.


To fill in examples of Even-nos,  this rule might have AM notice  the
operation `Double'. Any example of  Double will contain an example of
an even number as its value: e.g., <3$\→$6> contains the even number 6.


\hh If the current task is to fill in examples of concept X,

One  bizarre way is  to specialize  X, adding a  strong constraint to
X.Defn, and then look for examples of that new specialization.


Like the classical ``insane heuristic"\foo{ A harder task might be easier
to do. A stronger theorem might be easier to prove. This is called ``The Inventor's
Paradox", on page 121 of [P\'olya 57]. },
this sounds crazy but works embarassingly often. If I ask
you to find  numbers having a prime  number of divisors, the  rate at
which you  find them will probably be lower than  if I'd asked you to
find numbers with precisely 2 divisors.  The \4variety\0  of examples
will  suffer, of  course.   The  converse of  this  heuristic ---  for
non-examples --- was deemed too unaesthetic to feed to AM.


\hh To fill in examples of X,

One  inefficient method  is to  examine random examples  of Anything,
checking each  by running  X.Defn to  see if it  is an  X.   Slightly
better is to ripple outward from X in all directions, testing all the
examples of the concepts encountered.


This is blind generate-and-test, and was (luckily) not needed much by


\hh To find more examples of X (or: to  find an extreme example of X),
when a nice big example is known, and X has a recursive definition,

Try  to plug  the known  example  into the  definition and  produce a
simpler one. Repeat this until an example is produced which satisfies
the base-step  predicate of  the definition. That  entity is  then an
extreme (boundary) example of X.


For example, AM had a definition of a set as

\noindent ``Set.Defn $=↓{df}\ \lambda $ (S) 
S=$\{\}$ or  Set.Defn(Remove-random-element(S))." When AM found
the big example $\{A,B,\{\{C\},D\},\{\{\{E\}\}\},F\}$ 
by some other  means, it used
the  above rule  and the recursive  definition to  turn  this into
$\{A,B,\{\{\{E\}\}\},F\}$ by  removing  the  randomly-chosen  third   element.
$\{A,B,F\}$ was produced next, followed by $\{B,F\}$ and $\{F\}$. 
After that, $\{\}$ 
was produced and the rule relinquished control.


\hh To find examples of X, when X has a recursive definition,

One method with low  success rate but high payoff is to try to invert
that definition,  thereby  creating a  procedure for  generating  new


Using  the  previous example,  AM  was  able  to turn  the  recursive
definition  of  a set  into the  program ``Insert-any-random-item(S)",
which turns any  set into a (usually  different and larger) new  set.
Since the  rules which AM uses  to do these  transformations are very
special-purpose, they are not worth detailing here. This is one  very
managable open  problem, where  someone might  spend some months  and
create a  decent body of definition-inversion rules.   A typical rule
AM has says:

\hjust to 270pt{``Any phrase matching `{\it Removing 
an x and ensuring that P(x)}' can be
inverted and turned into this one:  `{\it Finding any random x for which
P(x)  holds, then inserting x'}."}

\noindent  The  class of definitions which can
be inverted  using AM's existing  rules is  quite small; whenever  AM
needed to be able to invert another particular definition, the author
simply supplied whatever rules would be required.


\hh While filling in examples of C,

if two constructs x and y are  found which are very similar yet  only
one of which is an example of the concept C,

Then one  is a boundary  example of  C, and the  other is a  boundary

and   it's  worth  creating  more   boundary  examples  and  boundary
non-examples by slowly transforming x and y into each other.


Thus when AM notices  that $\{a\}$ and $\{a,b,a\}$  are similar yet not  both
sets, it creates  $\{a,b\},\ \{b,a\},\ \{a,a\}$ and sees which  are and are not
examples of sets. In this way, some boundary items (both examples and
non-examples) are created. The rules for this slow transformation are
again special purpose.  They examine the difference between the items
x and y,  and suggest  operators (e.g., Deletion)  which will  reduce
that difference.  This  GPS-like strategy  has been  well studied  by
others,  and  its  inferior  implementation  inside  AM will  not  be


\hh If the main task now is to fill in examples of concept C,

Consider all the examples of ``first cousins" of C. Some of them might
be examples of C as well.


By ``first cousins", we mean  all direct specializations of all direct
generalizations  of a concept, or vice versa.  That is, going up once
along a Genl  link, and then  down once along  a Spec link (or  going
down one link and then up one link).


\hh  If the main  task now  is to fill  in boundary  (non-)examples of
concept C,

Consider all the  boundary (non-)examples  of ``first  cousins" of  C.
Some of them might lie on the boundary of C as well.


If they turn out not to be boundary examples, they can be recorded as
boundary non-examples, and vice versa.


\hh  To fill in Isa's links of concept X,  (that is, to find  a list of
concepts of which X is an example),

Just ripple down the tree of concepts, applying a definition  of each
concept.  Whenever a definition fails, don't waste time trying any of
its specializations.   The Isa's of X are then all the concepts tried
whose definitions passed X.


When a new concept is created, e.g., a new composition, this rule can
ascertain the  most specific  Isa links that  can be attached  to it.
Another use for this rule would be: If the Isa link network ever  got
fouled  up  (contained  paradoxes),  this  rule   could  be  used  to
straighten everything out (with a logarithmic expenditure of time).

\hs{Any-concept . Examples}{Suggest}


\hh If  some (but not most) examples of X  are also examples of Y (for
some concept Y),

and some (but not most) examples of Y are also examples of X,

Then create a  new  concept  defined  as the  intersection  of  those  two
concepts (X $\inter $ Y). This will be a specialization of both concepts.


If you  hapen to notice that  some primes are palindromic,  this rule
would  suggest creating a  brand new  concept, defined as  the set of
numbers which  are  both palindromic  and  prime. AM  never  actually
noticed this, since it represented  all numbers in unary.  If pushed,
AM will define Palindrome(n) to  mean that the sequence of  exponents
of        prime       factors        is        symmetric;        thus
$2↑33↑85↑17↑111↑813↑3$  is palindromic in  AM's sense
because the sequence of its exponents (3 8 1 1 8 3) is unchanged upon
reversal. In  this sense, the  only Prime palindromes are  the primes
themselves (or: just `2', depending upon the precise definition).


\hh If very few examples of X are found,

Then  add the following  task to the agenda:  ``Generalize the concept
X", for the  following reason: ``X's are  quite rare; a slightly  less
restrictive concept might be more interesting".


Of course, AM  contains a precise meaning for  the phrase ``very few".
When AM looks  for primes  among examples of  already-known kinds  of
numbers, it will find  dozens of non-examples for every  example of a
prime  it uncovers.   ``Very few" is  thus naturally  implemented as a
statistical confidence  level.   AM  uses  this  rule when  very  few
examples of Equality are found readily.


\hh If very many examples of X are found in a short period of time,

Then try to create a new, specialized version of X.


This is  similar to the  preceding rule.   Since numbers are  easy to
find,  this  might cause  us  to  look for  certain  more interesting
subclasses of numbers to study.


\hh If there are no known examples for the interesting concept X,

Then consider spending some time looking for such examples.


I've heard of a  math student who defined  a set of number  which had
quite marvelous properties. After the 20$↑{th}$ incredible theorem about
them he'd proved, someone noticed that the set was empty. The  danger
of unwittingly  dealing with a  vacuous concept is  even worse  for a
machine  than for  a human mathematician.  The above  rule explicitly
prevents that.


\hh If  the totality  of examples  of concept  C is  too  small to  be

Then  consider  these reactions:  (i)  generalize  C; (ii)  forget  C
completely; (iii) replace C by one conjecture.


This is a good example of when a task like \6``Fill in generalizations
of   Numbers-with-1-divisors"\0   might   get   proposed    with   a
high-priority reason.   The class of entities  which C encompasses is
simply too  small, too  trivial to  be worth  maintaining a  separate
concept. When C is numbers-with-1-divisor, C  is really just another
disguise for the  singleton set $\{1\}$. The above rule might cause a new
task  to be  added  to  the  agenda,  \6Fill  in  generalizations  of
Numbers-with-1-divisor\1.  When  that  task is  executed,  AM  might
create       the       concept       Numbers-with-odd-no-of-divisors,
Numbers-with-prime-number-of-divisors,  etc.    Besides  generalizing
that concept, the above rule gives AM two other alternatives.  AM may
simply obliterate the nearly-vacuous concept, perhaps leaving  around
just the statement ``\41 is the only  number with one divisor\1". That
conjecture might be tacked onto the Conjecs facet of Divisors-of. The
actual rule will  specify criteria  for deciding which  of the  three
alternatives to try. In fact,  AM really starts all three activities:
a task  will always be created and added to the agenda (to generalize
C), the vacuous concept will be tagged as ``forgettable",  and AM will
attempt to  formulate a conjecture (the only  items satisfying C.Defn
are C.Exs).


\hh If  the totality  of examples  of concept  C is  too large  to  be

Then consider these three possible reactions:  (i) specialize C; (ii)
forget C completely; (iii) replace C by one conjecture.


This  is  analogous to  the  preceding  rule, but  is  used  far less
frequently.  One common use is when a disjunction of two concepts has
been  formed  which is  accidentally  large  or already-known  (e.g.,
``Evens $\union $ Odds" would be replaced by a conjecture).


\hh After filling in examples of C, if some examples were found,

Look  at all  the operations which  can be  applied to  C's (that is,
access C.In-dom-of), find those which are interesting  but which have
no known  examples, and  suggest that AM  fill in examples  for them,
because some items are  now known which are  in their domain,  namely


This rule had AM  fill in examples of Set-insertion, as  soon as some
examples of Sets had been found.


\hh After filling in examples of C, if some examples were found,

Consider the task of Checking the examples facet of concept C.


This was very frequently used during AM's runs.


\hh After checking examples of C, if many examples remain,

Consider the task of `Filling in some Conjecs for C'.


This was used often by AM. After checking the examples of C, AM would
try to empirically formulate some interesting conjecture about C.


\hh After successfully  filling in non-examples of  X, if no  examples

If AM has not recently tried to find examples of X, then it should do

If  AM has recently tried  and failed to  find examples, consider the
conjecture that  X is  vacuous, empty,  null, always-False.  Consider
generalizing X.



\hh  After trying  in vain  to find  some non-examples  of X,  if many
examples exist,

Consider the conjecture  that X is  universal, always-True.  Consider
specializing X.



\hh After successfully  filling in examples  of X, if  no non-examples

If  AM has  not recently  tried to  find non-examples  of X,  then it
should consider doing so.

If AM has  recently tried and failed  to find non-examples,  consider
the   conjecture  that   X   is   universal,  always-True.   Consider
specializing X.



\hh After trying in vain to find some examples of X, 

If many non-examples exist,

Consider the conjecture
that X is vacuous, null, empty, always-False. Consider generalizing X.


\hs{Any-concept . Examples}{Check}


\hh If the current task is to Check Examples of concept X,

and (Forsome Y) Y is a generalization of X with many examples,

and all  examples of Y (ignoring boundary cases) are also examples of

Then conjecture that X is really no more specialized than Y,

and Check the truth of this conjecture on boundary examples of Y,

and see whether  Y might itself  turn out to  be no more  specialized
than one of {\it its} generalizations.


This  rule  caused AM,  while  checking  examples  of odd-primes,  to
conjecture that {\sl  all} primes were odd-primes.


\hh If the current task is to Check Examples of concept X,

and (Forsome Y) Y is a specialization of X,

and all examples of X (ignoring boundary cases) are also examples  of

Then conjecture that X is really no more general than Y,

and Check the truth of this conjecture on boundary examples of X,

and see whether  Y might itself turn out  to be no more  general than
one of {\it its} specializations.


This rule is analogous to the preceding one for generalizations.


\hh When checking boundary examples of a concept C,

ensure that every scrap of C.Defn has been used.


It  is often the  tiny details in  the definition  that determine the
precise boundary.  Thus we must look carefully to see  whether Primes
allows 1 as an example or  not.  A definition like ``numbers divisible
only  by 1 and  themselves" includes 1, but  this definition doesn't:
``numbers having  precisely 2 divisors".   In  the LISP program,  this
rule contains several hacks (tricks) for checking that the definition
has been stretched to the fullest.  For example: if the definition is
of the form ``all x in X such that$\ldots $",  then pay careful attention to
the boundary  of X.  That is, take  the time to access X.Boundary-exs
and X.Boundary-non-exs, and check them against C.Defn.


\hh When checking examples of C,

Ensure that each example satisfies C.Defn, and each non-example fails
it.  The precise  member of C.Defn to use can  be chosen depending on
the example.


As  described earlier in  the text, definitions  can have descriptors
which indicate what kinds of arguments they might be  best for, their
overall speed, etc.


\hh When checking examples of C,

If an entry e is rejected (i.e., it is seen to be not an example of C
after all), then remove e from C.Exs and consider inserting it on the
Boundary non-examples facet of C.


There is  a complicated\foo{ Not  necessarily sophisticated.   First, AM
accesses the  Worth of C.  From this  it determines how many boundary
non-examples C deserves to keep around (and how many total list cells
it merits). AM compares these quotas  with the current number of (and
size of) entries already listed on C.bdy-non-exs.  The degree of need
of another  entry there  then sets  the ``odds"  for insertion  versus
forgetting.    Finally a  random  number is  computed,  and the  odds
determine what  range it  must lie  in for  e to  be remembered.    }
algorithm for  deciding whether to  forget e entirely  or to  keep it
around as a close but not close enough kind of example.


\hh When checking examples of C,

After an entry e has been verified as a bone fide example of C,

Check whether e is also a valid example of some direct specialization
of C.

If it is, then  remove it from C.Exs, and  consider adding it to  the
examples  facet  of that  specialization,  and  suggest the  task  of
Checking examples of that specialization.



\hh When checking examples of C,

If an entry e is rejected,

Then  check  whether  e  is  nevertheless  a  valid  example of  some
generalization of C.

If it  is, consider  adding  it to  that concept's  boundary-examples
facet, and  consider adding it to the  boundary non-examples facet of


This is similar to the preceding rule.


\hh When checking non-examples of C, including boundary non-examples,

Ensure that each one fails a definition of C. Otherwise, transfer  it
to the boundary examples facet of C.



\hh When checking non-examples of C, including boundary non-examples,

After an entry e has been verified as a bone fide non-example of C,

Check whether e is  also a non-example of some  direct generalization
of C.

If  it is, then remove  it from C.Non-Exs, and  consider adding it to
the non-examples facet of  that generalization, and suggest the  task
of Checking examples of that generalization.



\hh When checking (boundary) non-examples of C,

If an entry e  is rejected, that is if it turns out  to be an example
of C after all,

Then   check  whether  e  is  nevertheless   a  non-example  of  some
specialization of C.

If it is, consider adding it to that  concept's boundary non-examples


This is similar to the preceding rule.

 \ASSSEC{Heuristics for the Conjecs facet of Any-concept}

\hs{Any-concept . Conjecs}{Fillin}

When the  task is to  look around and  find conjectures  dealing with
concept C, the following general rules may be useful.


\hh If there is  an analogy from X to C, and a nice item in X.Conjecs,
formulate and test the analogous conjecture for C.


Since an  analogy  is not  much more  than  a set  of  substitutions,
formulating the  `analogous conjecture' is almost  a purely syntactic


\hh Examine C.Exs for regularities.


What  mysteries are lurking in  the LISP code  for \4this\0 rule, you
ask?  Nothing but a few special-purpose hacks and a few ultra-general
hacks.  Here is a slightly more specific rule for you seekers:


\hh Look at  C.Exs. Pick one element at  random. Write down statements
true about that example e. Include a list of all concepts of which it
is an example, all Interests features it satisfies, etc.

Then check  each  conjecture on  this list  against  all other  known
examples  of C.   If  any example  (except a  boundary example)  of C
violates a conjecture, discard it.

Take all the surviving conjectures, and eliminate any  which trivally
follow from other ones.


This is  a common way AM  uses: induce a conjecture  from one example
and test  it on all the rest.  A more sophisticated approach might be
to induce it  by using a few  examples simultaneously, but I  haven't
thought of  any nontrivial way to  do that.  The  careful reader will
perceive that  most of  the  conjectures AM  will derive  using  this
heuristic will be of the form ``X  is unexpectedly a specialization of
Y",  or ``X is unexpectedly  an example of  Y", etc.   Indeed, most of
AM's conjectures are really that simple syntactically.


\hh Formulate  a parameterized  conjecture, a  ``template", which  gets
slowly specialized or instantiated into a definite conjecture.


AM has only  a few trivial methods for doing  this (e.g., introduce a
variable  initially  and find  the constant  value  to plug  in there
later).  As  usual,  they  will  be  omitted  here,  and  the  author
encourages some  research in this area,  to turn out a  decent set of
general   rules   for   accomplishing   this   hypothesis    template
instantiation. The  best effort  to date  along these  lines, in  one
specific  sophisticated  scientific field,  is  that  of META-DENDRAL

\hs{Any-concept . Conjecs}{Check}


\hh If a universal  conjecture (For all  X's, $\ldots $) is contradicted  by
empirical data, gather the data together and try to find a regularity
in those exceptions.

If  this  succeeds, give  the  exceptions a  name N  (if  they aren't
already a concept),  and rephrase the  conjecture (For all X's  which
are not N's$\ldots $).  Consider making X - N a new concept.


Again  note how ``active"  this little  checking rule  can be.  It can
patch up nearly-true conjectures, examine data, define new  concepts,


\hh After verifying a conjecture for concept C,

See if it also holds for related  concepts (e.g., a generalization of


There  are of course  bookeeping details not  explicitly shown above,
which are present in the  LISP program. For example, if conjecture  X
is  true for  all specializations  of  C, then  it must  be added  to
C.Conjecs and  removed from the Conjecs facets of each specialization
of C.

\hs{Any-concept . Conjecs}{Suggest}


\hh If  X is  probably related  to Y,  but no  definite connection  is

It's  worthwhile looking  for  a specific  conjecture tying  X  and Y


How might AM know that X and Y are only {\sl  probably} related?  X  and
Y may play the same role in an analogy (e.g., the singleton bag ``(T)"
and ``any  typical singleton bag" share many  properties), or they may
both be specializations  of the same  concept Z  (e.g., two kinds  of
numbers), or they may both have  been created in the same unusual way
(e.g.,  Plus  and  Times  and  Exponentiation  are  all creatable  by
\4repeating\0 another operation).

\hs{Any-concept . Conjecs}{Interest}


\hh A conjecture about X is interesting if X is very interesting.



\hh A nonconstructive existence conjecture is interesting.


Thus the  unique factorization  theorem is judged  to be  interesting
because it merely guarantees that some factoring will be into primes.
If you  give  an  algorithm  for that  factoring,  then  the  theorem
actually loses its mystique and (according to  this rule) some of its
value. But it increases in value due to the next rule.


\hh  A  constructive  existence conjecture  is  interesting  if it  is
frequently used.



\hh A  conjecture C  about  X is  interesting if  the origin  and  the
verification of C for each  specialization of X was quite independent
of each other, and preceded C's being noticed applicable to all X's.


This would  be even more striking if \4proof\0 techniques were known,
and each specialized case had a separate kind of  proof.  Many number
theory results are like this, where there exists a general proof only
for numbers bigger than 317, say, and all smaller numbers are  simply
checked  individually  to  make sure  they  satisfy  the  conjecture.
Category theory is built upon practically nothing but this heuristic.

 \ASSSEC{Heuristics for the Analogies facet of Any-concept}

\hs{Any-concept . Analogies}{Fillin}


\hh To fill in  conjectures involving concept C, where  C is analogous
to D,

Consider the analogue of each conjecture involving D.



\hh If  the current task involves a  specific analogy, and the request
is to find more conjectures,

Then consider  the analog of  each interesting  conjecture about  any
concept involved centrally in the analogy.


That  is, this  rule suggests  applying  the preceding  rule to  each
concept which  is central to the given analogy. The result is a flood
of new  conjectures.   There  is a  tradeoff  (explicitly taken  into
account in the  LISP version of this rule)  between how interesting a
conjecture has to be, and how centrally a concept has to fit into the
analogy, in order to determine what resources AM should be willing to
expend  to find the  analogous conjecture.   Note that this  is not a
general suggestion  of  what  to  do, but  a  specific  strategy  for
enlarging the analogy itself. If the new conjecture is verified, then
not  only would it be entered under  some Conjecs facet, but it would
also go to enlarging the data struc\-ture which represents the analogy.


\hh Let  the analogy  suggest how  to specialize  and generalize  each
concept into what is at least the analog of a known, very interesting


Like the last rule, this one simply says to use the analogy itself as
the ``reason"  for exploring certain  new entities,  in this case  new
concepts.   When the  Bags$↔$Numbers analogy  is made, AM  notices that
Singleton  bags  and   Empty  bags   are  two  interesting,   extreme
specializations of Bags.  The above rule then allows  AM to construct
and  study what  we know and  love as the  numbers one  and zero. The
analogy is flawed because there is only one ``one", although there are
many different singleton bags.  But just as singletons and empty bags
have special properties under bag operations, so do 0,1 under numeric
operations.  This was one case where an analogy paid off handsomely.


\hh If it is desired to have an analogy between concepts X and Y, then
look for two already-known analogies between X$↔$Z and Z$↔$Y, for any Z.

If found, compose  the two analogies and see if the resultant analogy
makes sense.


Since the analogies are really just substitutions, composing them has
a familiar, precise  meaning. This rule was not used by AM during its
``good run", due  to the paucity of analogies. The  user can push AM into creating
more of them,  and ultimately using this  rule. A chain from  X$↔$Z$↔$Y$↔$X
can be found which presents a new, bizarre analogy from X to itself.

\hs{Any-concept . Analogies}{Suggest}


\hh If  an analogy is strong,  and one concept has  a very interesting
universal conjecture C (For all x in B$\ldots $), but the analog conjecture
\'C is false,

Then it's  worth constructing the  set of items  in \'B for  which the
conjecture holds.   It's perhaps even more interesting to isolate the
set of exceptional elements.


With the Add$↔$Times  analogy, it's true  that all  numbers n>1 can  be
represented as  the sum of  two other  numbers (each of  them smaller
than n),  but it is \4not\0 true that all numbers (with just a couple
exceptions)  can  be represented  as  the  product  of  other  (hence
smaller) numbers.  The above  rule has AM  define the set  of numbers
which can/can't  be  so represented.  These  are just  the  composite
numbers and  the  set of  primes.   This second  way of  encountering
primes  was very  unexpected  --- both  by AM  and  by the  author. It
expresses the deep fact that one difference between Add and  Times is
the presence of  primes only for multiplication.  At  the time of its
discovery, AM didn't appreciate this fully of course.


\hh  If space is tight, and no use  of the analogy has ever been made,
and it is very old, and it takes up a lot of space,

Then it is permissable to forget it without a trace.



\hh If two valuable  conjectures are syntactically identical,  and can
be made identical by a simple substitution, then tentatively consider
the analogy which is that very substitution.


The  associative/commutative property  of Add  and Times  causes
them to be tied together in an analogy, because of this rule.


\hh If an analogy is very interesting and very complete,

Then spend some time  refining it, looking for small  exceptions.  If
none  are  found,  see  whether  the  two  situations  are  genuinely



\hh If  concepts X and  Y are  analogous, look  for analogies  between
their specializations, or between their generalizations.


This rule  is not  used much  by AM, although  the author  thought it
would be.

\hs{Any-concept . Analogies}{Interest}


\hh  An  analogy  which  has no  discrepancies  whatsoever  is  not as
interesting as a slightly flawed analogy.



\hh An analogy  is interesting if it  associates (for the first  time)
two concepts  which are each  unusally fully filled  out (having many
conjectures, many examples, many interest features, etc.).


 \ASSSEC{Heuristics for the Genl/Spec facets of Any-concept}

\hs{Any-concept . Genl/Spec}{Fillin}


\hh To  fill in  specializations of  X, if  it was very  easy to  find
examples of X,

Grab  some features which  would indicate  than an X  was interesting
(some entries  from X.Interest,  or more  remote Interest  predicates
garnered by  rippling), and  conjoin them onto  the definition  of X,
thereby creating a new concept.


Here's one instance where the above rule was used: It was so easy for
AM to produce  examples of  sets that it  decided to specialize  that
concept. The above rule then plucked the interestingness feature {\it ``all
pairs of members satisfy the same rare predicate"} and conjoined it to
the  old definition  of  Sets.   The  new concept,  Interesting-sets,
included  all singletons (because all  pairs of members  drawn from a
singleton satisfy the predicate Equal) and empty sets.


\hh To fill in generalizations of concept X,

Take the definition $\Dscr $, and replace it by a generalization of $\Dscr $.  
If $\Dscr $
is  a concept,  use $\Dscr $.Genl;  if  $\Dscr $ is  a conjunction,  then remove  a
conjunct  or  generalize\foo{  i.e., recur.  }  a conjunct;  if  $\Dscr $  is a
disjunction, then add  a disjunct or generalize  a disjunct; if $\Dscr $  is
negated, then  specialize the negate; if  $\Dscr $ is an example  of $\Delta $, then
replace $\Dscr $ by ``any example of $\Delta $"; if $\Dscr $ 
satisfies any property P,  then
replace $\Dscr $ by ``anything satisfying P"; if $\Dscr $  is a constant\foo{ Of course
it's unlikely that a concept is defined simply as a constant, but the
preceding footnote shows that this little  program can be  entered
recursively, being fed  a sub-expression of the definition.   }, then
replace  $\Dscr $ by a new variable (or  an existing one) which could assume
value $\Dscr $;  if $\Dscr $  is a  variable, then  enlarge its  scope of  possible


This  rule  contains  a  bag  of  tricks for  generalizing  any  LISP
predicate, the definition of any concept. They are all  \4syntactic\0
tricks, however.


\hh To fill in generalizations of concept X, If some conjecture exists
about ``all X's and Y's" or ``in X or Y", for some other concept Y,

Create  a new concept, a  generalization of both X  and Y, defined as
their disjunction.


This  rule contains  another  trick  for  generalizing  any  concept,
although  it is  more  meaningful, more  semantic  than the  previous
rule's  tricks.   Many theorems are  true about  numbers with  1 or 2
divisors,  so  this  might  be  one  reasonable   way  to  generalize
Numbers-with-1-divisor  into  a   new  useful\foo{  at  least,  several
theorems will  be  stated  more concisely  using  this  new  concept:
Numbers with 1 or 2 divisors.  } concept.


\hh To fill in generalizations of concept X,

If other generalizations G1, G2 of X exist but are {\it too} general,

Create a new concept,  a generalization of X and  a specialization of
both  G1  and   G2,  defined  as  the  conjunction  of  G1  and  G2's


Thus when  AM generalizes  Reverse-all-levels into  Re\-verse-top-le\-vel
and Re\-verse-first-ele\-ment, the  above rule causes AM to  create a new
operation, which  reverses the top level and which reverses the CAR\foo{
also the CAR of the CAR, etc., until a non-list  is encountered. } of
the original list.   While not particularly useful, the reader should
observe that it {\it is}  midway in generality between the  original
Reverse function and the first two generalizations.


\hh To fill in specializations of concept X,

Take the definition $\Dscr $ of X, and replace it by a specialization 
of $\Dscr $.  If $\Dscr $
is  a concept,  use  $\Dscr $.Genl; if  $\Dscr $ is  a  disjunction, then  remove a
disjunct or specialize a disjunct; if $\Dscr $ is a conjunction, then  add a
conjunct or specialize  a conjunct; if $\Dscr $ is  negated, then generalize
the  negate;  if  $\Dscr $ is  ``any  example  of  $\Delta $", then  replace  
$\Dscr $  by a
particular example  of  $\Delta $;  
if $\Dscr $  is  ``anything satisfying  $\Pscr $",  then
replace $\Dscr $  by a particular satisfier  of $\Pscr $; 
if $\Dscr $ is  a variable, then
replace it by a well-chosen constant or restrict its scope.


This rule  contains  a  bag  of  tricks  for  specializing  any  LISP
predicate, the definition of any concept.  They are all \4syntactic\0
tricks, however. Note that the Lisp code for this rule will typically
call itself  (recur)  in order  to  specialize  small pieces  of  the
original definition.


\hh To fill in specializations of concept X, If some conjecture exists
about  ``all X's which are also  Y's" or ``in X  and Y", for some other
concept Y,

Create a new  concept, a specialization of  both X and Y,  defined as
their conjunction.


This  rule  contains  another  trick  for specializing  any  concept,
although it  is  more meaningful,  more  semantic than  the  previous
rule's tricks.    Many theorems  about primes  contain the  condition
``p>2"; i.e., they are really true about primes which are odd. So this
might be one reasonable way to specialize Primes into a  new concept:
by conjoining the definitions of Primes and Odd-numbers, into the new
concept  Odd-primes. Here's  another usage  of this  rule: If  AM had
originally defined  Primes  to include  `1',  then the  frequency  of
conjectures  where 1  was  an exception  would trigger  this  rule to
define Primes more normally ($p≥2$).


\hh To fill in specializations of concept X,

If other specializations S1, S2 of X exist but are {\it too} restrictive to
be interesting,

Create a new concept,  a specialization of X and  a generalization of
both  S1  and   S2,  defined  as  the  disjunction  of  S1  and  S2's



\hh  To fill  in  generalizations  of  concept  X,  when  a  recursive
definition of X exists,

If  the definition  contains two  conjoined recursive  calls, replace
them by a disjunction or eliminate one call entirely.

If there  is only one recursive call, disjoin a second call, this one
on a different destructive function applied to the original argument.
If the  original destructive function  is one of  $\{CAR,CDR\},$ then let
the new one be the other member of that pair.


AM uses the  first part  of this rule  to turn  Equal-lists into  two
variants  of Same-length-as.   The  second  part, while  surprisingly
unused, could work  on this definition of \it MEMBER: 
``$\lambda $ (x,L) LISTP(L)
and: [x=CAR(L) or MEM\-BER(x,\-CDR(L))]"\1, which is just  ``membership at
the  top level  of", or ``$\epsilon $",  and transform  it into  this one  of
{\it MEM},  which  represents  membership at  \4any\0  depth: ``{\it 
$\lambda $ (x,L)
LISTP\foo{ The Interlisp function LISTP(L)  tests whether or not L  is a
(nonnull)   list.    }(L)   and:  [x=CAR(L)  or   MEM(x,CDR(L))  or
MEM(x,CAR(L))]"}.  The rule noticed a recursive call on CDR(L),  and
simply disjoined a recursive call on CAR(L).


\hh  To  fill  in specializations  of  concept  X,  when  a  recursive
definition of C exists,

If  the definition  contains two  disjoined recursive  calls, replace
them by a conjunction or eliminate one call entirely.

If there  is only one  recursive call,  conjoin a  second on  another
destructive function applied to the  original argument. Often the two
recursions will be on the CAR and the CDR of the original argument to
the predicate which is the definition for X.


This is closely related to the preceding rule.  Just as it turned the
concept of `element  of' into the more general  one of `membership at
any  depth',  the  above  rule  can  specialize  the  definition   of
{\it MEMBER}  into this  one,  called {\it AMEM:  ``$\lambda $  (x,L) LISTP(L)  and:
[x=CAR(L)  or: [AMEM(x,\-CDR(L))  and AMEM(x,\-CAR(L))]]"}.\foo{  This operation is
almost impossible to explain verbally. AMEM(x,L) means that x is an element of L,
and for each member M of L before the x, M is an ordered 
struc\-ture and x is an element of M,
and for each member N of M before the x which is inside M,$\ldots $ etc.
For example, 
<[x] [ {\2<} <x a b> <x> x d e{\2>} <x f> x g h ] [<x i> x j] x k [l] m>. }


\hh To fill in specializations of concept X,

Find,  within  a  definition of  X  (at even  parity  of  {\it NOT's}), an
expression of the form {\it ``For some x in X, P(x)"}, and replace it either
by {\it ``For all x in X, P(x)", \rm or by \it P(x$↓0$)}.


Thus  ``sets, all  pairs  of whose  members  satisfy {\it some}  interesting
predicate" gets specialized  into ``sets, all  pairs of whose  members
satisfy Equality".   The same  rule, with  ``even parity" replaced  by
``odd parity", is useful for \4generalizing\0 a definition.  This rule
is really 4 separate rules, in the LISP program.  The same rule, with
the transformations going in the opposite direction, is also used for
generalizing.  The same  rule, with the  transformations reversed and
the parity reversed, is used for specializing a definition.   Here is
that doubly-switched rule:


\hh To fill in specializations of concept X,

Find within a definition of  X (at odd parity of {\it NOT's}) an expression
of the form {\it ``For  all x in  X, P(x)"}, and replace  it either by  
{\it ``For some x in X, P(x)", \rm or by \it P(x$↓0$)}.  
Or replace  {\it ``P(c)"}, where {\it c}
is  a constant, by {\it ``For  some x in $\Cscr $,  P(x)"} where 
$\Cscr $ is  a concept of
which {\it c} is one example.



\hh When creating in a specialization S of concept C,

Note that S.Genl should contain C, and that C.Spec should contain S.


The analogous rule exists, in which all spec and genl are switched.

\hs{Any-concept . Genl/Spec}{Suggest}


\hh After creating a new specialization S of concept C,

Explicitly look for ties between S and other known specializations of


For    example,   after    AM    defines   the    new   concept    of
Numbers-with-3-divisors,  it looks around for  ties between that kind
of number and other kinds of numbers.


\hh After creating a new generalization G of concept C,

Explicitly look for ties between G and other close generalizations of


For  example,  AM  defined  the  new  predicates  Same-size-CARs  and
Same-size-CDRs\foo{ Two lists satisfy  Same-size-CDRs iff they have  the
same number of members.   Two lists satisfy Same-size-CARs  iff (when
written out  in standard LISP notation) they  have the same number of
initial left  parentheses and  also have  the  same first  identifier
following   that   last   initial   left  parenthesis.   }   as   two
generalizations  of Equality. The  above rule then  suggested that AM
explicitly  try  to  find  some  connection  between  these  two  new
predicates.   Although  \4AM\0  failed, Don  Knuth  (using a  similar
heuristic, perhaps?) also looked for  a connection, and found one:  it
turns out  that  the two  predicates are  both ways  of defining  the
relation we intuitively understand as ``having the same length as".


\hh After creating a new specialization S of concept C,

Consider looking for examples of S.


This  has to be said  explicitly, because all too  often a concept is
specialized into vacuousness.


\hh After creating a new generalization G of concept C,

Consider looking for non-examples of G.


This has to be  said explicitly, because all  too often a concept  is
generalized into vacuous universality. This rule is less useful to AM
than the preceding one.


\hh  If concept C  possesses some very interesting  property lacked by
one of its specializations S,

Then considering  creating a concept  intermediate in  specialization
between C and S, and see whether that possesses the property.


This   rule   will  trigger   whenever   a   new  generalization   or
specialization is created.


\hh If concept  S is  now very  interesting, and  S was  created as  a
specialization of some earlier concept C,

Give  extra consideration  to  special\-i\-zing  S, and  to  special\-i\-zing
concept C again (but in different ways than ever before).


The next  rule is the analog of the  preceding one.  They incorporate
tiny bits of the strategies of hill-climbing and learning  from one's


\hh If  concept G  is now  very interesting,  and G  was created  as a
generalization of some earlier concept C,

Give extra  consideration to general\-i\-zing G, and to gene\-ral\-i\-zing C in
other ways.


The analogous rules  exist, for concepts  that have become so  boring
they've just been discarded:


\hh  If concept X  proved to  be a  dead-end, and X  was created  as a
generalization of (specialization of) some earlier concept C,

Give less  consideration to  gene\-ral\-i\-zing  (spe\-cial\-i\-zing) X,  and  to
gene\-ral\-i\-zing (spe\-cial\-i\-zing) C in other ways in the future.


\hs{Any-concept . Genl/Spec}{Check}


\hh When checking a generalization G of concept C,

Specifically test to ensure that G is not equivalent to C.

The easiest way  is to examine the non-examples  (especially boundary
non-examples)  of C, and  look for one  satisfying G;  or examine the
examples of G (esp. boundary) and look for one failing to satisfy C.

If they appear to be the same concept, look carefully at G. Are there
any specializations of G whose examples have never been filled in? If
so,  then by  all means suggest  looking for  such concepts' examples
before concluding that G and C are really equivalent.

If they are the same, then replace one by a conjecture.

If they are different, make sure that some boundary  non-example of C
(which is an example of G) is explicitly stored for C.


This  rule makes  sure  that AM  is  not deluding  itself.   When  AM
generalizes               Numbers-with-1-divisor                into
Numbers-which-equal-their-no-of-divisors, it still hasn't gotten past
the  singleton set $\{1\}$. The  conjecture in this case  would be ``\4The
only  number which  equals  its  own  number  of  divisors  is  1\1".
Typically, when a generalization G of C turns out to be equivalent to
C, there is theorem lurking around, of the form ``All G's also satisfy
this  property$\ldots $", where  the  property  is the  ``extra"  constraint
present in  C's definition but absent  from G's.  This  rule also was
used when AM had just found some examples of Sets. AM almost believed
that  all Unordered-Struc\-tures  were  also Sets,  but  the last  main
clause  of the rule  had AM notice  that Bags is  a specialization of
Unordered-struc\-tures, and that the  latter concept had never had  any
of its examples filled in. As  a result, AM printed out this message:
``Almost  concluded  that Unordered-struc\-tures  are also  always Sets.
But will wait  until examples of Bags  are found.  Perhaps  some Bags
will not be Sets." In fact, examples of Bags are soon found, and they
aren't sets.


\hh When checking a specialization S of concept C,

Specifically test to ensure that S is not equivalent to C.

If they are the same, then replace one by a conjecture.

If they are  different, make  sure that  some boundary  example of  C
(which is not an example of S) is explicitly stored for C.


This rule is similar to the preceding one. If adding a new constraint
P  to the  definition doesn't  change  the concept  C, then  there is
probably a theorem there of the form ``All C's also satisfy constraint


\hh  When checking  a  specialization S  of a  specialization  X of  a
concept C,

if there exist other specs. of specs. of C,

then ensure  that none of them are the same as S.  This is especially
worthwhile if the specializing  operators in each case were  the same
but reversed in order.


Thus  we  can add  a  constraint  to C  and  collapse  the first  two
arguments, or we can collapse  the arguments and add the  constraint;
either way,  we get  to the  same very  specialized new concept.  The
above   rule  helps  detect  those   accidental  duplicates.    E.g.,
Coalesced-\ Dom=Ran-\ Compositions    are    really    the    same     as
Dom=Ran-\ Coalesced-\ Compositions, and this rule would suspect that they
might be.


\hh When checking the Genl or Spec facet entries for concept C,

ensure  that C.Genl and C.Spec  have no common member  Z. If they do,
then conjecture that C and Z are actually equivalent.


In fact, this rule actually ensures that  Generalizations(C) does not
intersect Specializations(C). If it does, a whole `cycle' of concepts
exists which can be collapsed into one single concept. See also  rule
122, below.

\hs{Any-concept . Genl/Spec}{Interest}


\hh A generalization of  X is interesting if all  the previously-known
boundary non-examples are now boundary examples of the concept.


A  check is  included here  to ensure  that the  new concept  was not
simply defined as the closure of the old one.


\hh A specialization of X  is interesting if all the  previously-known
boundary  examples   are  now   boundary  non-examples  of   the  new
specialized concept.


A  check is  included here  to ensure  that the  new concept  was not
simply defined as the interior of the old one.


\hh If  C$↓1$ is a  generalization of  C$↓2$, which  is a generalization  of
C$↓3$,$\ldots $, which is a generalization of C$↓j$, and it has just been learned
that C$↓j$ is a generalization of C$↓1$,

Then all the concepts  C$↓1$,$\ldots $,C$↓j$ are equivalent,  and can be  merged,
and the  combined  concept will  be much  more  interesting than  any
single  one, and  the interestingness  of  the new  composite concept
increases rapidly with {\it j}.


The Lisp code has the new  interest value be computed as the  maximum
value of  the old  concepts, plus  a bonus  which increases  like the
square  of {\it j}.  This is similar to  rule number 222.  A rule
just like the preceding one exists, with `Specialization' substituted
everywhere for  `Generalization'.  Thus  a closed loop  of Spec links
constitutes a demonstration that  all the concepts  in that loop  are
equivalent. These rules were used more frequently than expected.

 \ASSSEC{Heuristics for the View facet of Any-concept}

\hs{Any-concept . View}{Fillin}


\hh To  fill in  View facet entries for X, 

Find an interesting operation F whose range is X,

and indicate that any member of Domain(F) can be viewed as an X just by
running F on it.


While trying to fill in the View facet of Even-nos, AM used this rule. It
located the operation Doubling, whose domain is Numbers and whose range is
Even-nos. Then the rule created a new entry: ``to view any number as if it were
an even number, double it". This is a twisted affirmation of the standard 
between natural numbers and even natural numbers.

 \ASSSEC{Heuristics for the In-dom/ran-of facets of Any-concept}

\hs{Any-concept . In-dom-of/In-ran-of}{Fillin}


\hh To fill in entries for the In-dom-of facet of concept X,

Ripple down the tree of concepts, starting  at Active, to empirically
determine which active concepts can be run on X's.


This can usually  be decided by inspecting the Domain/range facets of
the Active concepts.  Occasionally, AM  must actually try  to run  an
active $\Fscr $ on sample  X's, to see whether it fails  or returns a value.\foo{
One key feature of Lisp which permits this to be done is the Errorset
feature. }


\hh To fill in the In-ran-of facet of concept X,

Ripple down the tree of concepts, starting at  Active, to empirically
determine which active concepts can be run to yield X's.


This can usually be  decided by inspecting the Domain/range facets of
the Active concepts. Occasionally, AM inspects known examples of some
Active concept, to see if any of the results are X's.


\hh While filling in entries for the In-dom-of facet of X,

Look especially carefully for Operations which transform examples and
non-examples into each other;

This  is even  better if  the  operation pushes  boundary exs/non-exs
`across the boundary'.


This was used to note that Insert and Delete had a lot to do with the
concept of Singleton.

 \ASSSEC{Heuristics for the Definition facet of Any-concept}

\hs{Any-concept . Defn}{Suggest}


\hh If there are no known definitions for concept X,

Then  it  is  crucial  that AM  spend  some  time  looking  for  such


This situation  might occur if only an  Algorithm is present for some
concept.   In  that  case,  the  above  rule  would  suggest  a  new,
high-priority  task, and  AM would  then twist  the algorithm  into a
(probably   very  inefficient)  definition.    A  much  more  serious
situation  would occur  if  a  concept  were specified  only  by  its
Intuition  entries  (created, e.g.,  by  modifying another  concept's
intuitions).  In that case, rapidly formulating a precise  definition
would be a  necessity.  Of course,  this need never arose,  since all
the intuitions were deleted.

\hs{Any-concept . Defn}{Check}


\hh When checking the Definition facet of concept C,

ensure that  each member of C.Exs  satisfies all definitions present,
and  each non-example  fails  all  definitions.    If  there  is  one
dissenting definition, modify  it, and move the  offending example to
the boundary.


There  is little real  ``checking" that  can be done  to a definition,
aside   from   internal   consistency:   If   there   exist   several
suposedly-equivalent  definitions, then AM  can at least  ensure they
agree on the known examples and  non-examples of the concept. If  the
Intuitions  facets were  permitted,  then  each definition  could  be
checked for intuitive appeal (i.e., consistency with some Intuition).


\hh When checking the Definition facet of concept C,

Try to find  and eliminate any redundant constraints, try to find and
eliminate any circularity, check that any recursion will terminate.


Here are  the  other  few  tricks  that AM  knows  for  ``checking"  a
definition. For each clause in the  rule above, AM has a very limited
ability  to detect and patch  up ``bugs" of that  sort.  Checking that
recursion will  terminate,  for example,  is  done by  examining  the
argument to  the recursive call,  and verifying that  it contains (at
some level before  the original  argument) an application  of a  LISP
function on Destructive-LISP-functions-list. There  is no intelligent
inference that  is going on here, and for  that reason the process is
not even mentioned within the body of this document.

\ASSEC{Heuristics for dealing with any Active concept}

All the rules below are applicable to tasks which involve operations,
predicates,  relations, functions, etc.  In short, they  apply to all
the concepts AM knows about which involve \4doing\0  something, which
involve action.



\hh If the current task is to fill in examples of the activity F,

One way to  get them is to  run F on randomly chosen  examples of the
domain of F.


Thus,   to  find   examples  of  Equality,   AM  repeatedly  executed
Equality.Alg on randomly chosen pairs of objects.   AM found examples
of Compositions  by actually picking  a pair of  operations at random
and trying  to  compose  them. Of  course,  most  such  ``unmotivated"
compositions turned out to be uninteresting.


\hh While filling in examples of the activity  F, by running F.Algs on
random arguments from F.Domain,

It is  worth the effort to specifically  include extreme or boundary
examples of the domain of F,  among the arguments on which F.Algs  is



\hh To fill in a Domain entry for active concept F,

Run F  on various entities,  rippling down  the tree of  concepts, to
determine empirically where F seems to be defined.


This  may shock the reader, as it  sounds dumb and explosive, but the
concepts are arranged in a tree (using Genl links),  so the search is
really  quite fast.   Although this  rule is  rarely used,  it always
seems to give surprisingly good results.


\hh To fill in generalizations of active F,

Consider just extending F, by enlarging its domain. Revise F.Defn  as
little as possible.


Although Equality  is initially  only for  struc\-tures, AM extends  it
(using the  same definition, actually) to a  predicate over all pairs
of entities.


\hh To fill in specializations of active F,

Consider just restricting F, by shrinking its domain. Check F.Defn to
see if some optimization is possible.



\hh After an algorithm is known for F, if AM wants a better one,

AM  is  permitted to  ask  the  user to  provide  a  fast but  opaque
algorithm for F.


This  was  used a  few  times,  especially for  inverse  functions. A
nontrivial open-ended  research  problem  (*)\foo{ Following  Knuth,  we
shall  reserve a  star  {\bf (*)} for  those problems  which  are quite
difficult, which should take the  reader roughly three full lifetimes  to
master. Readers not believing in  reincarnation should therefore skip
such problems.  } \1is to collect a body  of rules which transform an
inefficient algorithm into a computationally acceptable one.


\hh If the current task is  to fill in boundary (non-)examples of  the
activity F,

One way to get them is to  run F on randomly chosen boundary examples
and  (with proper safeguards) boundary non-examples  of the domain of


Proper safeguards are required to ensure that F.Algs  doesn't loop or
cause an error when fed a slightly-wrong (slightly-illegal) argument.
In LISP, a timer and an ERRORSET suffice as crude safeguards.


\hh If the current task is  to fill in (boundary) non-examples of  the
activity F,

One low-interest  way to  get them  is to  run F  on randomly  chosen
examples of  its domain, and then replace  the value obtained by some
other (very  similar)  value.    Also,  be sure  to  check  that  the
resultant i/o pair doesn't accidentally satisfy F.Defn.


The parentheses in  the above rule mean that it  is really two rules:
for  \4boundary\0 non-examples, just change the final value slightly.
For \4typical\0  non-examples, change the  result significantly.   If
you read  the words inside  in the parentheses  in the IF  part, then
read the  words inside  the parentheses  in the  THEN part  as  well;
or else \4omit\0 them in both cases.



\hh When checking an algorithm for active F,

run that algorithm and ensure that the input/output satisfy F.Defn.



\hh When checking a definition $\Dscr $ for active concept F,

Run one of its algorithms and ensure that the input/output satisfy $\Dscr $.


This is the converse of the preceding rule.  They simply say that the
definition and algorithm facets must be mutually consistent.


\hh While checking examples or boundary examples of the active concept

Ensure that each input/output pair is consistent with F.Dom/range.


If the domain/range entry is <D$↓1$ D$↓2\ldots $  D$↓k\  \→$ R>, 
and the i/o pair  is <d$↓1$ d$↓2\ldots $ d$↓k$ , r>, then 
each component d$↓i$ of the input must be an
example of  the corresponding D$↓i$, and the output r must be an example
of R.


\hh When checking examples of the active concept F,

If any argument(s) to F were concepts, tag  their In-domain-of facets
with `F'.

If  any values  produced  by F  are concepts,  tag  their In-range-of
facets with `F'.


For example,  Restrict(Union)  produced  Add, at  one  time  in  AM's
history. Then the  above rule caused  `Restrict' to be inserted  as a
new entry on Union.In-dom-of and also on Add.In-ran-of.



\hh If there are no known algorithms for active concept F,

Then AM should spend some time looking for such algorithms.


This situation  might occur if only a  Definition is present for some
operation.   In  that  case, the  above  rule would  suggest  a  new,
high-priority task,  and AM  would then twist  the definition  into a
(probably  very inefficient) algorithm.   The rule  below is similar,
for the Domain/range facet:


\hh If the Domain/range facet of active concept F is blank,

Then AM  should spend  some time  looking for  specifications of  F's
domain and range.



\hh If a Domain of  active concept F is encountered frequently, either
within conjectures or as the domain or range of other operations  and

Then define that Domain as a separate concept, and raise the Worth of
F slightly.


The  `Domain'  here  refers  to  the  sequence of  components,  whose
Cartesian product is what is  normally referred to in mathematics  as
the  {\sl domain} of  the  operation.   This  led  to  the  definition  of
``Anything $\times $ Struc\-tures", which is the domain of several Insertion
and Deletion operations, Membership testing predicates, etc.


\hh It is  worthwhile to explicitly calculate  the value of F  for all
distinguished (extreme, boundary, interesting) members of and subsets
of its domain.



\hh  If  some   domain  component   of  F  has   a  very   interesting

Then consider  restricting F (along  that component) to  that smaller


Note that these  last couple rules deal with the image of interesting
domain items. The next rule deals with the inverse  image (pre-image)
of unusual range  items. We saw earlier in this  document (Chapter 2)
how this rule led to the definition of Prime numbers.


\hh  If the range of  F contains interesting  items, or an interesting

Then it is worthwhile to consider their inverse image under F.



\hh When trying to fill in new Algorithms for Active concept F,

Try  to transform  any  conjectures  about  F into  (pieces  of)  new


This is one place  where a sophisticated body of transformation rules
might  be  inserted.  Others  are   working  on  this  problem [Burstall & 
Darlington 75], and  AM only contains  a few  simple tricks for  turning
conjectures  into  procedures.   For  example, ``All  primes  are odd,
except `2' ", is transformed into a more eficient search for primes: a
separate test for x=2, followed by a search through only Odd-numbers.


\hh After trying in vain to fill in examples of active concept F,

Locate the domain of  F, and suggest that AM try  to fill in examples
for each component of that domain.


Thus  after failing to  find examples  for Set-union, AM  was told to
find examples of Sets, because that could have let  the previous task
succeed. There  is no  recursion here: after  the sets are  found, AM
will not automatically go back  to finding examples of Set-union.  In
practice, that  task was  eventually proposed  and chosen again,  and
succeeded this time.


\hh After working on an Active concept F,

Give a  slight, ephemeral boost to tasks  involving Domain(F): give a
moderate size boost to  each task which asks  to fill in examples  of
that domain/range component, and give a very tiny boost to each other
task mentioning such a concept.


This  is both a supplement  to the more  general ``focus of attention"
rule, and a nontrivial heuristic for finding valuable new  tasks.  It
is the partial converse of rule 72.



\hh An active  concept F is interesting if  there are other operations
with the same domain as  F, and if they  are (on the average)  fairly
interesting.  If the  other operations' domain is only  similar, then
they must be {\it very} interesting and have some valuable conjectures tied
to them, if  they are to  be allowed to  push up F's  interestingness


The value of  having the same domain/range is the  ability to compose
with them.  If the domain/range is only similar, then AM can hope for
analogies or for partial compositions.


\hh An active concept is interesting if it was recently created.


This is a slight extra boost given to each  new operation, predicate,
etc.   This  bonus decays  rapidly with  time, and  thus so  will the
overall worth of  the concept,  unless some  interesting property  is
encountered quickly.


\hh  An  active  concept   is  interesting  if  its  domain   is  very


An  important  common  case  of  this  rule  is  when the  domain  is
interesting because all  its members are  equal to  each other.   The
corresponding  statement  about  \4ranges\0   does  exist,  but  only
operations  can   be  said  to  have  a  specific  range  (not,  e.g.
Predicates).   Therefore,  the   `range'   rule   is   listed   under
Operation.Interest, as rule number 111.

\ASSEC{Heuristics for dealing with any Predicate}

Each of these heuristics can be assumed to be prefaced by a clause of
the form {\it ``If the  current task is to deal with concept X, where X isa
Predicate,$\ldots $"}. This will be repeated below, for each rule.



\hh If the current task was (Fill-in examples of X),

and X is a predicate,

and more than 100 items are known in the domain of X,

and at least 10 cpu seconds were spent trying to randomly instantiate

and the ratio of successes/failures is both >0 and less than .05


Then add the  following task to the  agenda: (Fill-in generalizations
of X), for the following reason:

``X is  rarely satisfied; a slightly less restrictive concept might be
more interesting".

This  reason's  rating is  computed  as  three  times  the  ratio  of
nonexamples/examples found.


This  rule  says to  generalize  a predicate  if  it rarely  succeeds
(rarely returns T).   One use for  this was  when Equality was  found to  be
quite rare; the resultant  generalizations did indeed turn out  to be
more  valuable (namely, ``numbers").   A  similar use  was found  for predicates
which tested for identical equality of two angles, of  two triangles,
and  of   two  lines.   Their  generalizations  were   also  valuable
(congruence,  similarity,  parallel, equal-measure).   Most  rules in
this appendix are not presented with the same level  of detail as the
preceding one, as the reader has no doubt observed.


\hh To fill in Domain/range entries for predicate P,

P can operate on the domain of any specialization of P,

P can operate on any specialization of the domain of P,

P can operate on some restriction of the domain of any generalization
of P,

P may be able to operate on some enlargement of its current domain,

The range of P will necessarily be the doubleton set $\{T,F\}$,

P is guaranteed return T if any  of its specializations do, and F  if
any of its generalizations do.


This contains a compiled version of what we mean when we say that one
predicate is a generalization or specialization of another. Viewed as
relations, as subsets of  a Cartesian product of spaces, this  notion
of general/special is just that of superset/subset.  The last line of
the rule  is meant to indicate that adding new constraints onto P can
only  make  it  return  True  less  frequently,  while  relaxing  P's
definition can only make it return True more often.



\hh If all  the values of Active concept $\Fscr $  happen to be Truth-values,
and $\Fscr $ is not known to be a predicate,

Then conjecture that $\Fscr $ is in fact a predicate.


This rule is placed on the Suggest facet because, if placed  anywhere
else on this concept, it  could only be seen as relevant by  AM if AM
already knew  that $\Fscr $ were a predicate.  On  the other hand, the rule
can't  be placed,  e.g.,  on  Active.Fillin,  since  just  forgetting
(deleting) this  ``Predicate" concept should  be enough to  delete all
references to predicates anywhere in the system.



\hh  A predicate $\Pscr $  is interesting  if its domain  is Any-concept (the
collection of all known concepts).  This is especially true  if there is a
significant positive  correlation (theoretical or  empirical) between
concepts' worths and their $\Pscr $-values.


This very high level  heuristic wasn't used  by AM during  its
``good" run (the one chronicled in Section 6.2.1).

\ASSEC{Heuristics for dealing with any Operation}



\hh To fill in examples of operation F (with domain A and range B),

when many examples $\alpha $ of A are already known,

and F maps some of those examples $\alpha $ into distinguished members (esp:
extrema) b of B,

Then  (for each such distinguished  member ``b"$\epsilon \,$B) 
study  F\inv (b) as a
new concept.  That  is, isolate those members  of A whose F-value  is
the unusual item b$\epsilon $B.


This rule says to investigate the inverse image of an unusual item b,
under     the    interesting    operation    f.    When    b=2    and
f=number-of-divisors-of, this rule  leads to the definition  of {\it prime
numbers}.  When b=$\phi $\foo{ the empty set, phi, NIL, 
$\{\}$ } and f=Intersection,
the rule led to the discovery of the concept of {\it disjointness} of sets.


\hh To fill in Domain/range entries for operation F,

F can operate on the domain of any specialization of F,

F  can  operate  on   the  specialization  of   the  domain  of   any
specialization of F (including F itself),

F can operate on some restriction of the domain of any generalization
of  F, at least on  its current domain  and perhaps even  on a bigger

F may be able to operate on some generalization of (some component(s)
of) its current domain,

F can  only (and will  always) produce values  lying in the  range of
each generalization of F,

F  can --- with  the proper arguments  --- produce values  lying in the
range of any particular specialization of F.


There are only a few changes between this rule  and the corresponding
one for Predicates.   Recall that Operations can be multi-valued, and
those values are not limited to the set $\{$T,F$\}$.


\hh To fill in Domain/range entries  for operation F, when some  exist

Take an  entry of  the form  <D$↓1$ D$↓2\ldots $  D$↓n\  \→$  R> and see  
if D$↓i\times $R  is
meaningful for some {\it i} (especially: {\it i=n}).

If so, then remove  D$↓i$ from the left side of the entry, and replace R
by D$↓i\times $R, and modify the definition of F.


In LISP, ``meaningful" is coded as: either D$↓i\times $R is equivalent to
an  already-known concept,  or  else  it is  found  in  at least  two
interesting  conjectures.  This  is  probably  an  instance  of  what
McDermott  calls natural  stupidity\foo{  See  [McDermott 76]  for  natural
stupidity.  He criticizes  the use of very intelligent-sounding names
for otherwise-simple program  modules. But  consider {\it ``Homo  sapiens"},
which means ``wise man". Now {\it there's} a misleading label$\ldots $}.  This
rule is tagged as being explosive, and is not used very often by AM.


\hh To fill in a Range entry for operation F,

Run  F on various  domain examples, especially  boundary examples, to
collect examples of the range.  Then ripple down the tree of concepts
to determine empirically where F seems to be sending its values.


This may shock  the reader, as it sounds dumb  and explosive, but the
concepts are  arranged in a tree (using Genl links), so the search is
really quite  fast.   Although this rule  is rarely  used, it  always
seems to give surprisingly good results.


\hh If operation F has just been applied, and has yielded a new concept
C as its result,

Then carefully  examine F.Dom/range  to try  to find  out what  C.Isa
should be.  C.Isa will  be all legal entries listed as  values of the
range of F.


When  F=Compose,  say AM  has  just  created C=Empty$\circ$Insert.\foo{i.e.,
insert x into a struc\-ture S and then see if S is empty. This leads AM
to realize that  inserting can never result in an  empty struc\-ture. }
What  is C? It is  a concept, of course, but  what else? By examining
the Domain/range facet of Compose, AM finds the  entry <Active Active
$\→$ Active>. Aha! So C must  be an Active. But AM also finds the entry
<Predicate Active $\→$ Predicate>.   Since ``Empty" is a predicate,  the
final composition  C must  also be a  predicate.   So C.Isa would  be
filled in with  ``Predicate". AM thus used the above rule to determine
that Empty$\circ$Insert was a predicate. Even if this rule  were excised,
AM could still  determine that fact, painfully, by  noticing that all
the values were truth-values.


\hh If operation F has just been applied to A$↓1$,A$↓2,\ldots $, and has yielded
a new concept C as its result,

Then add F to  C.In-ran-of; add F to  the In-dom-of facet of  all the
A$↓i$'s which are concepts; add <A$↓1 \ldots \  \→$ C> to F.Exs.


There  is some  overlap  here with  earlier  rules, but  there is  no
theoretical or practical difficulty with such redundancy.


\hh When filling in examples of operation F, if F takes some  existing
concepts A$↓1$, A$↓2, \ldots $ and (may) produce a new concept,

Then only consider, as potential A$↓i$'s,  those concepts which already
have  some examples. Prefer  the A$↓i$'s to  be interesting,  to have a
high worth rating, to  have some interesting conjectures about  them,
to have several examples and several non-examples, etc.


The danger here is of, e.g.,  Composing two operations which turn out
to be  vacuous, or of Conjoining an empty concept onto another, or of
proliferating variants of a boring concept, etc.


Below are rules used to  check existing entries on various  facets of


\hh To check the domain/range entries on the operation F,

IF a domain/range entry has the form (D D D$\ldots \  \→$ R),

and all the  D's are equal, and R is a  generalization of D (or, with
less enthusiasm: if R and D have a significant overlap),

THEN it's worth seeing whether (D D D$\ldots \  \→$ D) is consistent with  all
known examples of the operation:

If there are no  known examples, add a task to  the agenda re\-quest\-ing
they be filled in.

If there  are examples, and (D  D D$\ldots \ \→$ D) is  consistent, add it to
the Do\-main/\-range facet of this operation.

If there are some contradicting examples, create a new  concept which
is defined as this operation restricted to (D D D$\ldots \ \→$ D).


When  AM  restricts Bag-union  to  numbers  (bags  of T's),  the  new
operation  has a  Domain/range entry of  the form  (Numbers Numbers $\→$
Bag).  The  above   rule  has  AM   investigate  whether  the   range
specification mightn't also be  narrowed down to Number. In this case
it is a great help. The rule  often fails, of course: the sum of  two
primes is rarely a prime, the Cartesian  product  of two lists-of-atoms is
not a list-of-atoms, etc.  Since this rule is almost instantaneous to
execute, it's cost-effective overall.


\hh When checking the domain/range entries on the operation F,

IF a domain/range entry has the form (D D D$\ldots \  \→$ R),

and all the D's are equal, and R is a specialization of D,

THEN it's worth inserting (D D D$\ldots  \ \→$ D) as a new entry on F.Dom/ran,
even though that is redundant.


This shows that  symmetry and aesthetics are  sometimes preferable to
absolute  optimization. That's  why  we program  in Lisp,  instead of
machine language.   On the other hand,  this rule wasn't really  that
useful to AM. Now, by analogy,$\ldots $?


\hh When checking the Domain/range entries for operation F,

Ensure that the  boundary items in the range  can actually be reached
by F.   If  not, see  whether the  range is  really just  some  known
specialization of F.


This rule  is a typical  checking rule. Note  that it is  active, not
passive: it  might alter the Domain/range facet of  F, it it finds an
error there.


\hh When checking examples of the operation F, for each such example,

If the value returned by F is a concept C, add `F' to C.In-range-of.




\hh Whenever the domain of operation F has changed,

check whether the range has also changed. Often the range will change
analogously to the domain, where the operation itself is the Analogy.



\hh After working on Operation F,

Give a slight, ephemeral boost to tasks involving Range(F).


This wll be a moderate size boost for each task which asks to fill in
examples of  that range concept, and a very tiny boost for each other
task mentioning such  a concept.   This is both  a supplement to  the
more general  ``focus of attention"  rule, and a  nontrivial heuristic
for finding valuable new  tasks.  It is  an extension of rule  number
99, and a partial converse to rule 88.



\hh An operation F  is interesting if there are  other operations with
the  same domain and range,  and if they are  (on the average) fairly



\hh An  operation  F  is interesting  if  it is  the  first  operation
connecting  its domain  concept to  its range  concept, and  if those
domain/range  components are themselves  valuable concepts, and there
is  no  analogy  between   them,  and  there  are   some  interesting
conjectures involving the domain of F.


The above two  rules say that F can be  valuable becuase it's similar
to  other,  already-liked  operations,  or  because  it  is   totally
different from any  known operation. Although these two  criteria are
nonintersecting, their union  represents only a small fraction of the
operations  that  get  created:  typically,  \4neither\0  rule   will


\hh An operation F is interesting if its range is very interesting.


Range here refers to the concept in  which all results of F must lie.
It  is the R in the  domain/range facet entry <D  $\→$ R> for concept F.
The corresponding rule for `domains' is applicable to any Active, not
just to  Operations, hence is  listed under Active.Interest,  as rule
number 22.


\hh An operation  F is  interesting if the  values of  F satisfy  some
unusual property which is not (in general) satisfied by the arguments
to F.


Thus  doubling  is  interesting because  it  always  returns an  even
number.   This is  one case  where the  interesting  property can  be
deduced trivially  just by  looking at  the domain  and range  of the
operation: Numbers$\→$Even-nos.


\hh An operation is interesting if its values are interesting.


This  can  mean that  each  value  is interesting  (e.g.,  Compose is
well-received because it produces many new, valuable  concepts as its
values).   Or,  it  can mean  that the  operations'  values, gathered
together into one  big set,  are interesting as  a set.   Unlike  the
preceding rule,  this one  has no  mention whatsoever  of the  domain
items,  the arguments to the  operation.  This rule  was used to good
advantage frequently by AM.   For example, Factorings of numbers  are
interesting because  (using rule 122) for  all x, Factorings(x)
is  interesting  in exactly  the  same way.    Namely, Factorings(x),
viewed as  a set,  always contains  precisely  one item  which has  a
certain interesting  property (see rule 225).   Namely, all its
members are primes (see rule 122 again).  This explains one way
in which  AM noticed that  all numbers seem  to factor  uniquely into


\hh  An  operation  is  interesting  if  its values  are  interesting,
ignoring the images of boundary items from the domain.


That is,  if the image  of the  domain ---  minus its  boundary ---  is


\hh An  operation is interesting if  its values on the  boundary items
from  the domain are very interesting.  Ignore the non-boundary parts
of the domain.


That is, if the image of the boundary of the domain is interesting.


\hh An operation  is interesting if  it leaves intact any  interesting
properties of  its argument(s). This is even  better if it eliminates
some undesirable properties, or adds some new, desirable ones.


Thus a new,  specialized kind of  Insertion operation is  interesting
if, even  though  it stuffs  more items  into a  struc\-ture, the  nice
properties  of   the  struc\-ture  remain.  The  operation  ``Merge"  is
interesting  for  this  very   reason:  it  inserts  items  into   an
alphabetized list,  yet it doesn't destroy  that interesting property
of the list.


\hh An  operation is interesting if its domain and range are equal. If
there is more  than one domain component,  then at least one  of them
should equal  the range. The more  components which are  equal to the
range, the better.


Thus ``Insertion"  qualifies here,  since  its domain/range  entry  is
<Anything Struc\-tures  $\→$ Struc\-tures>.   But  ``Union" is even  better,
since {\it both} domain components equal the range, namely Struc\-tures.


\hh An operation is mildly interesting if its range is related somehow
(e.g. specialization of) to one or more components of its  range. The
more the better.


A weakened form of the preceding rule.


\hh If the result of applying operation F is a new concept C,

Then the interestingness of F is weakly tied to that of C.


If the new concept C becomes very valuable, then F will rise slightly
in  interest.   If  C is  so bad  it  gets forgotten,  F will  not be
regarded quite as  highly.  When Canonize  scores big its first  time
used, it  rises in interest. This caused  AM to form poorly-motivated
canonizations, which led to  dismal results, which gradually  lowered
the rating of Canonize to where it was originally.

\ASSEC{Heuristics for dealing with any Composition}



\hh To fill in algorithms for operation F, where F is a composition G$\circ$H,

One algorithm is: apply H and then apply G to the result.


Of course this rule is not much more than the definition of what it means
to compose two operations.


\hh To fill in Domain/range entries for operation F, 
where F is a composition G$\circ$H,

Tentatively assume that the domain is Domain(H), and range is Range(G).
More precisely,  the domain will be the result of substituting
Domain(H) for Range(H) wherever Range(H) appears (or: just once) in Domain(G).


Thus for F=Divides$\circ$Count, where Divides:<Number,Number $\→\ \{T,F\}$>, and
Count:<Bag $\→$ Number>, the above rule
would say that the domain/range entries for F are gotten by substituting
`Bag' for `Number' once or twice in Domain(Divides). The possible entries for
F.Dom/range are  thus:
<Bag,Bag $\→\ \{T,F\}$>,
<Number,Bag $\→\ \{T,F\}$>,
and <Bag,Number $\→\ \{T,F\}$>.


\hh To fill in Domain/range entries for operation F, where F is a composition G$\circ$H,
But Range(H) does not occur as a component of Domain(G),

The range of F is still Range(G), but the domain of F is computed as follows:
Ascertain the component X of Domain(G) having the biggest (fractional) overlap
with Range(H). Then substitute Domain(H) for X in Domain(G). The result is
the value to be used for Domain(F).


This rule is a second-order correction to the previous one. If there is
no absolute equality, then a large intersection will suffice. Notice that
F may no longer be defined on all of its domain, even if G and H are.
If identical equality is taken as the maximum possible overlap betwen two
concepts, then this rule can be used to replace the preceding one completely.


\hh When trying to fill in the Isa entries for a composition F=G$\circ$H,

Examine G.Isa and H.Isa, and especially their intersection. Some of those
concepts may also claim F as an example. Run their definition facet to see.


To see how this is encoded into LISP, see Appendix 1.2.


\hh When trying to fill in the Genl or Spec entries for a composition F=G$\circ$H,

Examine the corresponding facet on G and on H.


This rule is similar to the preceding one, but wasn't as useful or as reliable.


\hh A satisfactory initial guess at the Worth value of composition F=G$\circ$H is
$\sqrt{G.Worth↑2 + H.Worth↑2}$.



\hh To fill in examples of F, where F=G$\circ$H, and both G and H are time-consuming,
but where many examples of both G and H exist,

Seek an example x$\→$y of H, and an example y$\→$z of G, and then return x$\→$z as a
probable example of F.


Above, `seek' is done in a tight, efficent manner. The examples
x$\→$y of H are hashed
into an array, based on the values y of each one. Then the arguments of the examples
of G are hashed to see if they occur in this array. Those that do will generate
an example of the new composition.


\hh To fill in examples of F, where F=G$\circ$H, and G  is timeconsuming,
but many examples of G exist,
and it is not known whether H is time-consuming or not,

Spend a moment trying to access or trivially fill in examples of H.

If this succeeds, apply the preceding rule.

If this fails, then formally propose that AM fill in examples of H,
with priority equal to that of the current task, for these two reasons:
(i) if examples of H existed, then AM could have used the heuristic preceding
this one, to fill in examples of F, and (ii) it is dangerous to spend a long time
dealing with G$\circ$H before any examples at all of H are known.


This rule is of course tightly coupled to the preceding one.
The same rule exists for the case where just H is time-consuming, instead of G.


\hh When trying to fill in Conjecs about a composition F=G$\circ$H,

Consider that F may be the same as G (or the same as H).


It was somewhat depressing that this `stupid' heuristic turned out to be
valuable, perhaps even necessary for AM's top performance.



\hh Check that F$\circ$G is really not the same as F, or the same as G.
Spend some time checking whether F$\circ$G is equivalent to any already-known active


This happens often enough to make it worth stating explicitly. Often, for example,
F will not even bother looking at the result of G! For example,

\ctrline{Proj2$\circ$Square(x,y)  =  Proj2(Square(x),y)  =  y  =  Proj2(x,y).}


\hh When checking the Algorithms entries for a composition F=G$\circ$H,

If range(H) is not wholly contained in the domain of G, 

then the algorithm must contain a ``legality" check, ensuring that H(x) is a valid
member of the domain of G.




\hh Given an interesting operation F:A$↑n\,\→\,$A, 

consider composing F with itself.


This may result in more than one new operation. From F=division,
for example, we get the two operations (x/y)/z and x/(y/z).
AM quickly realizes that such variants are really equivalent,
and (if prodded) eventually realizes that F(F(x,y),z)=F(x,F(y,z)) is a common
situation (which we call associativity of F).


\hh If the newly-formed domain of the composition F=G$\circ$H contains more
than one occurrence of the concept D, and this isn't true of G or H,

Then consider creating a new operation, a specialization of F,
by Coalescing the domain/range of F, by eliminating one of the D components.


Thus when Insert$\circ$Delete is formed, the old Domain/range entries were
both of the form <Anything Struc\-ture $\→$ Struc\-ture>. The newly-created entry
for Insert$\circ$Delete was <Anything Anything Struc\-ture $\→$ Struc\-ture>; i.e.,
take x, delete it from S, then insert y into S. The above rule had AM
turn this into a new operation, with domain/range <Anything Struc\-ture $\→$ Struc\-ture>,
which deleted x from S and the inserted the very same x back into S.



\hh A composition F=G$\circ$H is interesting if G and H are very interesting.



\hh A composition F=G$\circ$H is interesting if F has an interesting property
not possessed by either G or H.



\hh A composition F=G$\circ$H is interesting if F has most of the interesting properties
which are possessed by either G or H.
This is slightly reduced if both G and H possess the property.



\hh A composition F=G$\circ$H is interesting if F lacks any undesirable properties
true of G or H.
This is greatly increased if both G and H possess the bad property, unless
G and H are very closely related to  each other (e.g., H=G,or H=G\inv).


The numeric impact of each of these rules was guessed at initially, and
has never needed tuning. Here is an area where ex\-peri\-men\-ta\-tion might prove


\hh A composition F=G$\circ$H is interesting if F maps interesting subsets of domain(H)
into interesting subsets of range(G).

F is to be judged even 
more interesting
if the image was not thought to be interesting until
after it was explicitly isolated and studied because of part 1 of this very rule.


Here, an ``interesting" subset of domain(H) is one so judged by In\-ter\-ests(do\-main(H)).
A completely different set of criteria will be used to judge the interestingness of
the resultant image under F. Namely, for that purpose, AM will ask
for range(G).Interest, and ripple outwards to look for related interest features.


\hh A composition F=G$\circ$H is interesting if F\inv maps interesting subsets of range(G)
into interesting subsets of domain(F).

This is even better if the preimage
wasn't hitherto realized as interesting.


This is the converse of the preceding rule. Again, ``interesting" is judged by two
different sets of criteria.


\hh A composition F=G$\circ$H is interesting if F maps interesting elements of domain(H)
into interesting subsets of range(G).



\hh A composition F=G$\circ$H is interesting if F\inv maps interesting elements of range(G)
into interesting subsets of domain(F).

This is even better if the subset is only now seen to be interesting.


This is the analogue of an earlier rule, but for individual items rather
than for whole subsets of the domain and range of F.


\hh A composition F=G$\circ$H is interesting if range(H) is equal to, not just intersects,
one component of domain(G).



\hh A composition F=G$\circ$H is mildly interesting if range(H) is a specialization of
one component of domain(G).


This is a weakened version of the preceding feature. Such a composition is interesting
because it is guaranteed to always be applicable. If Range(H) merely intersects
a domain component of G, then there must be an extra check, after computing
H(x), to ensure it lies within the legal domain of G, before trying to run G on that
new entity H(x).


\hh A composition F=G$\circ$H is more interesting if range(G) is equal to a domain component
of H.


This is over and above the slight boost given to the composition because 
it is an \4operation\0
whose domain
and range coincide (see rule 211).

\ASSEC{Heuristics for dealing with any Insertions}



\hh When checking an example of any kind of  insertion of x into S,

Ensure that x is a member of S.


The only types of insertions known to AM are \4unconditional\0 insertions,
so this rule is valid. It is useful for ensuring that a particular new operation
really is an insertion-operation after all!

\ASSEC{Heuristics for dealing with the operation Coalesce}



\hh When coalescing  F(a,b,c,$\ldots $), whose domain/range  is 
<A B  C$\ldots  \ \→$

A  good choice  of two  domain components  to coalesce  is a  pair of
identically equal  ones.  Barring  that,  choose a  pair  related  by
specialization (eliminate the more general one). Barring that, choose
a pair with a common specialization S, and replace both by S.


Thus  to coalesce  the operation  ``Insert$\circ$Delete" [which  takes two
items and a struc\-ture, deletes the first argument  from the struc\-ture
and then  inserts the second argument], AM  examines its Domain/range
entry: <Anything Anything Struc\-ture $\→$ Struc\-ture>.  Although it  would
be legal to collapse  the second and third arguments,  the above rule
says it makes more sense in general to collapse the first and second.
In fact, in that case, AM gets an operation which tells  it something
about multiple elements struc\-tures.


\hh When  filling in Algorithms  for a  coalesced version G  of active
concept F,

One natural algorithm is simply to call on F.Algs, with two arguments
the same.


Of course  the  two identical  arguments are  those  which have  been
decided to be merged.  This will be decided before the definition and
algorithm facets are filled in.  Thus a natural algorithm for  Square
is to call on TIMES.Alg(x,x).  The following rule is similar:


\hh When filling  in Definitions for  a coalesced version G  of active
concept F,

One  natural  Definition  is  simply  to  call  on F.Defn,  with  two
arguments the same.



\hh When filling in the Worth of a new coalesced version of F,

A suitable value is 0.9$\cdot $(Worth of F) + 0.1$\cdot $(Worth of Coalesce).


This is a compromise between (i) the knowledge that the new operation
will probably be less interesting than F, and (ii) the knowledge that
it may lead to even more valuable new concepts (e.g., \4its\0 inverse
may be more interesting than  F's).  The formula also  incorporates a
small factor which is based on the overall value of coalescings which
AM has done so far in the run.



\hh If G and H are each two coalescings away from F, for any F,

Then check that  G and  H aren't really  the same,  by writing  their
definitions out in terms of F.Defn.


Thus  if  R(a,b,c)  is really  F(a,b,a,c),  and  S(a,b,c)  is  really
F(a,b,c,c),  and R  and S  get coalesced again,  into G(a,b)  which is
R(a,b,a) and into  H(a,b) which is  S(a,b,a), then both  G and H  are
really F(a,b,a,a).  The order of  coalescing is unimportant.  This is
a boost  to the more general impetus for checking this sort of thing,
rule 22.  This rule is  faster, containing a  special-purpose
program  for untangling argument-calls  rapidly.   If the  concept of
Coalesce is excised from the system, one can easily imagine it  being
re-derived by  a more  general `coincidence'  strategy, but how  will
these  specific,  high-powered,  tightly-coded  heuristics  ever  get
discovered and tacked onto the Coalesce concept? This is  an instance
of  the main  meta-level  research problem  proposed  earlier in  the
book (Chapter 7).



\hh  If a newly-interesting active concept F(x,y)  takes a pair of N's
as arguments,

Then create a  new concept, a  specialization of F, called  F-Itself,
taking just one N as  argument, defined as F(x,x), with initial worth

If AM has never coalesced F before, this gets a slight bonus value.

If  AM  has  coalesced  F  before,  say  into  S,  then  modify  this
suggestion's value according to the current worth of S.

The lower  the system's  interest-threshhold is,  the more  attactive
this suggestion becomes.


AM  used this rule  to coalesce  many active concepts.  Times(x,x) is
what we know as squaring; Equality(x,x) turned out to be the constant
predicate  True;  Intersect(x,x)  turned   out  to  be  the  identity
operator;  Compose(f,f)  was  an  interesting  ``iteration" operator\foo{
e.g.,  Compose(Compose,Compose)   is  an  operator   which  takes   3
operations f,g,h and forms ``f$\circ $g$\circ $h"; i.e., their joint composition.
 };  etc.    This rule  is  really  a bundle  of  little  meta-rules
modifying one  suggestion: the suggestion  that AM  coalesce F.   The
very  last part  of the above  rule indicates  that if the  system is
desparate, this is the least distasteful way to ``take a chance"  on a
high-payoff high-risk course  of action. It is more  sane than, e.g.,
randomly composing two operations until a nice new one is created.


\hh If concept F takes only one argument,

Then it is not worthwhile to try to coalesce it.


This rule  was of little help cpu-timewise, since even if AM tried to
coalesce such an active concept,it would fail almost instantaneously.
The rule did help make AM appear smarter, however.

\ASSEC{Heuristics for dealing with the operation Canonize}



\hh If the task is to Canonize predicates P1  and P2 (over A$\times $A)\foo{ That
is, find a function F such that P1(x,y) iff P2(F(x),F(y)). }, and the
difference between a definition  of P1 and  definition of P2 is  just
that P2 performs some extra check that P1 doesn't,

Then F should convert any $a\epsilon \,$A  into a member of A which automatically
satisfies that extra constraint.


Thus  when P1=Same-length, P2=Equality, A=Lists, the extra constraint
that P2 satisfies  is just that it  recurs in the CAR  direction: the
CARs of the two arguments must also satisfy P2.  P1 doesn't have such
a requirement. The above rule then has AM seek out a way to guarantee
that the  CARs will always  satisfy Equality. A  special hand-crafted
piece  of  knowledge tells  AM  that  since ``T=T"  is  an  example of
Equality, one solution is for all the CARs to be the atom T. Then the
operation F must  contain a procedure for converting each member of a
struc\-ture  to  the atom  ``T".  Thus (A  C  $\{$Z A  B$\}$ Q  Q)  would be
converted to (T  T T T  T).  This  rule is a specialized,  ``compiled"
version of the idea expressed in rule number 101.


\hh  If  the task  is  to  Canonize  P1 and  P2  over  A$\times $A, trying  to
synthesize F, where A=Struc\-ture,

Then perhaps there is a distinguished  type of struc\-ture B which  the
argument  to F  should  always  be converted  into.   In  that  case,
consider P1 and P2 as two predicates over B$\times $B.


This special-purpose  rule is used to guide  a series of experiments,
to determine  whether P1  is affected  by adding  multiple copies  of
existing  elements  into its  arguments,  and  whether its  value  is
affected by  rearranging some of its arguments' elements. In the case
of  P1=Same-size,  the answers  are:  multiple  elements  do  make  a
difference,  but  rearrangement doesn't.  So  the  canonical type  of
struc\-ture for F=Size must be one which is Mult-eles-allowed and  also
one which is Unordered.  Namely, a Bag. Thus F is modified so that it
first  converts its argument to  a Bag.  Then  Equality and Same-size
are viewed as taking a pair of Bags, and Size is viewed as taking one
Bag and giving back a canonical bag.


\hh After F is created from P1 and P2, as Canonize(P1,P2),

an acceptable value for  the worth of F is the  maximum of the worths
of P1 and P2.


In  the actual Lisp  code, an extra  small term is  added which takes
into account the overall value of all the Canonizations  which AM has
recently produced.


\hh If the current task  has just created a canonical specialization B
of concept  A, with  respect  to predicates  P1  and P2,  [i.e.,  two
members of B satisfy P1 iff they satisfy P2],

Then add the following entry to the Analogies facet of B:

\hjust{\hskip 50pt  A $↔$ B}

\hjust{\hskip 47pt P1 $↔$ P2}

\hjust{\hskip 22pt Operations-on-and-into(A) $↔$ Those operations restricted to B's}


This rather incoherent rule  says that it's worth taking  the trouble
to  study the  behavior of  each operation when  it is  restricted to
working on standard or ``canonical"  items. Moreover, some of the  old
relationships may carry over --- or at least have analogues --- in this
restricted world.  When numbers are discovered as canonical bags, all
the bag operations are restricted to work on only canonical bags, and
they startlingly turn into what we know and love as numeric operations.
Many of the old  bag-theoretic relationships have numeric  analogues.
Thus we knew  that the bag-difference of x  and x was the  empty bag;
this is still true  for x a canonical bag, but we would word it as ``x
minus x is zero".  This is because the restriction  of Bag-difference
to canonical  bags (bags of T's)  is precisely the operation  we call


\hh  When Canonize works on  P1, P2 (two  predicates), and produces an
operation, F,

Both predicates must share a common Domain, of the  form A$\times $A for some
concept A,  and the new operation F  can have <A $\→$ A>  as one of its
Domain/range entries.

If a canonical  specialization (say `B')  of A is  defined, then  the
domain/range of F  can actually be tightened to  <A $\→$ B>, and  it is
also worth explicitly storing the redundant entry <B $\→$ B>.



\hh In the same situation as the last rule,

One  conjecture  is that  P1 and  P2  are equal,  when  restricted to
working on pairs of B's [i.e., pairs of Canonical A's, A's  which are
in F(A), range items for F, items  x which are the image F(a) of some
a$\epsilon \,$A].


After  canonizing Equal and Same-size into  the new operation Length,
AM conjectures that  two canonical bags are  equal iff they have  the
same size.



\hh  When Canonize  works on  P1, P2,  both predicates  over  A$\times $A, and
produces an operation F:A$→$A,

It is worth defining and studying the image F(A); i.e., the  totality
of A's which are canonical, already in standard  form.  When this new
concept  Canonical-A is defined,  suggest the  task ``Fillin Dom/range
entries for Canonical-A".


Thus AM studied Canonical-Bags, which turned out to be  isomorphic to
the natural  numbers. What we've  called `Canonical-A' in  this rule,
we've referred to simply as `B' in earlier Canonizing rules.


\hh  If  P1  is  a  very  interesting  predicate  over  A$\times $A, for  some
interesting concept A,

Then look over P1.Spec for some other predicate P2 which is also over
A$\times $A,  and which has  some interesting  properties P1 lacks.  For each
such predicate P2, consider applying Canonize(P1,P2).



\hh After producing F as  Canonize(P1,P2) [both predicates over  A$\times $A],
and after defining Canonical-A,

It is  worth restricting operations  in In-dom-of(A)  to Canonical-A.
Some new properties may emerge.


Thus after defining  Canonical-Bags, AM looked at Bags.In-dom-of.  In
that  list was  the  operation  ``Bag-union".  So  AM  considered  the
restriction  of Bag-union  to  Canonical-bags.  Instead of  Bag-union
mapping  two  bags  into  a new  bag,  this  new  operation  took two
canonical-bags and mapped them into a new bag. AM  later noticed that
this new bag was itself always canonical. Thus was born the operation
we call ``Addition".


\hh After Canonical-A is produced,

It  is   marginally   worth   trying  to   restrict   operations   in
In-range-of(A) to map into Canonical-A.


This gives an added  boost to picking Union to restrict,  since it is
in both Bags.In-dom-of  and Bags.In-ran-of.  This rule is much harder
to implement, since it demands  that the range be restricted.   There
are  just  a  few  special-purpose   tricks  AM  knows  to  do  this.
Restricting  the domain  is, by  comparison, much cleaner.  AM simply
creates a  new concept  with the  same  definition, but  with a  more
restricted domain/range  facet.  For  restricting the range,  AM must
insert into the definition a check to ensure that the final result is
inside Canonical-A, not  just in A.  This leads to a  very inefficent


\hh After Canonical-A is produced,

It  is   worthwhile  to  consider  filling  in  examples  (especially
boundary) of that new concept.


This is above and beyond the slight push which rule 111 gives
that task.

\ASSEC{Heuristics for dealing with the operation Substitute}

Note  that  substitution  operations are  produced  via  the  initial
concepts called Parallel-replace and Parallel-replace2. The following
rules are tacked on there.



\hh  If two  different  variables  are  used  to  represent  the  same
entity,\foo{ When we say that x and y represent the same entity, what we
really  mean is  that they  have the  same domain of  identity (e.g.,
$\forall x \epsilon \,$Bags) and  they  are  equally free  (there  is a  precise  logical
definition of  all this, but there  is little point  to presenting it
here.) } then substitute one for the other.

This is very  important if the  two occurrences are  within the  same
entry on some facet of a single concept, and less so otherwise.

The dominant variable should  be the one typed out  previously to the
user; barring that, the older usage; barring that, the one closest to
the letter {\bf ``a" } in the alphabet.


This heuristic was used less  often --- and proved less impressive  ---
than was  originally anticipated by  the author. Since  most concepts
were begotten  from older ones, they always assumed the same variable
namings, hence there  were very few mismatches.   A special test  was
needed  to  explicitly  check  for  ``x=y"  occurring  as  a  conjunct
somewhere, in  which case  we  removed it  and  substituted y  for  x
throughout the conjunction.


\hh If two expressions (especially:  two conjectures) are struc\-turally
similar, and appear to differ by a certain substitution,

Then if  the substitution is permissable we  have just arrived at the
same expression in various ways, and tag it as such,

But if the  substitution is not  seen to be  tautologous, then a  new
analogy is born. Associate the constituent parts of both expressions.
This is made interesting if there are several concepts involved which
are assigned new analogues.


The similar statements of the  associativity of Add and Times  led to
this  rule's  identifying them  as  analogous. If  AM  had been  more
sophisticated, it  might  have eventually  formulated  some  abstract
algebra concepts like ``semigroup" from such analogies.

\ASSEC{Heuristics for dealing with the operation Restrict}



\hh When filling  in definitions (algorithms)  for a restriction  R of
the active concept F,

One entry can simply be a call on F.Defn (F.Algs).


Thus one definition of  Addition will always be as a call on the old,
general  operation  `Bag-union.'  Of  course  one  major  reason  for
restricting  the  domain/range of  an  activity  is  that it  can  be
performed  using  a faster  algorithm!  So  the above  rule  was used
frequently if not dramatically.


\hh When creating a restriction R of the active concept F,

Note that R.Genl should contain F, and that F.Spec should contain R.



\hh When  creating in  a restriction  R of  the active  concept F,  by
restricting  the domain  or  range to  some specialization  S  of its
previous value C,

A viable  initial guess  for  R.Worth is  F.Worth, augmented  by  the
difference in  worth between S  and C.  Hopefully, S.Worth is  bigger
than C.Worth!


\ASSEC{Heuristics for dealing with the operation Invert}



\hh When  filling in  definitions for  an Inverse  F\inv of the  active
concept F,

One ``Sufficent  Defn" entry can simply be  a blind search through the
examples of F.


If we already knew that 4$\→$16 is an example of Square, then AM can use
the above  rule to  quickly notice that  Square-Inverse.Defn(16,4) is
true.   This is  almost the  ``essence" of inverting  an operation, of



\hh After creating an inverted form F\inv of some operation F,

If  the only  definition  and  algorithm entries  are  the  ``obvious"
inefficient ones,

Then consider  the task: ``Fill  in algorithms for  F\inv``, because the
old blind search is just too awful to tolerate.


\ASSEC{Heuristics for dealing with Logical combinations}

Eventually, there may be  separate concepts for each kind  of logical
connective. For the moment, all Boolean operators are lumped together
here.  Their definition is too trivial for a `Fillin' heuristic to be
useful, and even `Check' heuristics are almost pointless.



\hh The user may sometimes indicate `Conjunction' when he really means




\hh If there is something interesting to say about entities satisfying
the disjunction (conjunction) of two concepts' definitions,

Then  consider  creating  a  new  concept  defined  as  that  logical
combination of the two concepts' definitions.



\hh Given an implication,

Try to  weaken the left side  as much as  possible without destroying
the validity of the whole implication.  Similarly, try to  strengthen
the right side of the implication.




\hh  A  disjunction  (conjunction)  is  interesting   if  there  is  a
conjecture which  is very interesting yet which  cannot be made about
any one disjunct (conjunct).


In other  words,  their logical  combination  implies more  than  any


\hh  An  implication  is  interesting   if  the  right  side  is  more
interesting than the left side.



\hh An implication is interesting if the right side is interesting yet
unexpected based only on assuming the left side.


\ASSEC{Heuristics for dealing with Struc\-tures}



\hh To fill in examples of a kind of struc\-ture S,

Start with an empty S, pluck any other member of Examples(Struc\-ture),
and transfer members one at a time from the random struc\-ture into the embryonic S.
Finally, check that the resultant S really satisfies S.Defn.


This is useful, e.g., to convert examples of lists into examples of sets.


\hh To fill in specializations of a kind of struc\-ture, 

add a new constraint that each member must satisfy,
or a constraint on all pairs of members,
or a constraint on all pairs of distinct members,
or a constraint which the struc\-ture as a whole must satisfy.
Such a constraint is often merely a stipulation of being an example of an X,
for some interesting concept X.


Thus AM might specialize Bags into Bags-of-primes,
or into Bags-of-distinct-primes, or into Bags-containing-a-prime.



\hh Struc\-ture S is mildly interesting if all members of S satisfy the interesting
predicate P, or (equivalently) if they are all accidentally examples of
the interesting concept C, or (similarly) if all pairs of members of S
satisfy the interesting binary predicate P, etc.

Also: a {\it kind} of struc\-ture is interesting if it appears that each instance of
such a struc\-ture satisfies the above condition (for a fixed P or C).


Thus a singleton is interesting because all pairs of members satisfy Equal.
The concept ``Singletons" is interesting because each singleton is mildly
interesting in just that same way.
Similarly, AM defines the concept of a bag containing only primes,
because the above rule says it might be interesting.


\hh A struc\-ture is mildly interesting if one member is very interesting.
Even better: exactly one  member.

Also: a {\it kind} of struc\-ture is interesting if each instance satisfies the
above condition in the same way.


Thus the values of ADD\inv are interesting because they always contain
precisely one bag which is a Singleton.

\ASSEC{Heuristics for dealing with Ordered-struc\-tures}



\hh To fill in some new examples of the ordered struc\-ture S, when some
already exist,

Pick an existing example and randomly permute its members.



\hh To fill in specializations of a kind of ordered struc\-ture,

add a new constraint that each pair of adjacent members must satisfy,
or a constraint  on all ordered  pairs of members  in the order  they
appear  in the  struc\-ture.    Such a  constraint  is  often merely  a
stipulation of being an example of an X, for some interesting concept


Thus     Lists-of-numbers      might     be     specialized      into
Sorted-lists-of-numbers, assuming AM has discovered ``$≤$" and assuming
it is  chosen  as  the  `constraint'  relationship  between  adjacent
members of the list.



\hh  If the  struc\-ture  is  to  be accessed  sequentially  until  some
condition is met, and if the precise ordering is superfluous,

Then keep the  struc\-ture ordered by frequency of use, the most useful
element first.


This is a simple data-struc\-ture management trick. If you have several
rules to use in a certain situation,  and rule R is one which usually
succeeds, then put R first in the list of rules to try. Similarly, in
a  pattern-matcher,  try  first  the  test  most   likely  to  detect
non-matching arguments.


\hh If struc\-ture S is always to be maintained in alphanumeric order,

Then   AM  can\foo{   due  to   the  current   LISP   implementation  of
data-struc\-tures } actually maintain it as an unordered struc\-ture,  if


Luckily this heavily  implementation-dependent rule was  never needed
by AM.



\hh  An ordered struc\-ture  S is interesting  if each  adjacent pair of
members of S satisfies predicate P (for some rare, interesting P).


When AM discovers the relation  ``$≤$", it immediately thinks that  any
\4sorted\0  list of  numbers is  more interesting,  due to  the above

\ASSEC{Heuristics for dealing with Unordered-struc\-tures}



\hh To check an example of an unordered struc\-ture,

Ensure that it is in alphanumerically-sorted order. If not, then {\it Sort}


All unordered objects  are maintained in lexicographic order, so that
two of them can be tested for equality using the LISP function EQUAL.
Because  of this  convention,  any two  struc\-tures  can therefore  be
tested for equality using this fast list-struc\-ture comparator.

\ASSEC{Heuristics for dealing with Multiple-eles-struc\-tures}



\hh To  fill in some  new examples of  the struc\-ture S,  where S  is a
struc\-ture  admitting multiple occurrences  of the  same element, when
some examples already exist,

Pick an existing  example and randomly  change the multiplicity  with
which various members occur within the struc\-ture.


\ASSEC{Heuristics for dealing with Sets}



\hh If P is a very interesting predicate over X,

Then study these  two sets: the members of  X for which P  holds, and
the ones for which P fails.


While  we humans know that  this partitions X  into two pieces,  AM is never
explicitly told this. It would occasionally be surprised  to discover
that the union of two  such complements ``accidentally" coincided with
X.    Incidentally,  this  rule is  really  the  key  linkage between
predicates and sets; it is close to the entry on Set.View which tells
how to view any predicate as a set.



\hh A set S is interesting if, for some interesting predicate P, whose
domain is X,

S accidentally appears to be related strongly 
to $\{x \epsilon \, X \ | \ P(x)\}$,  i.e.,
to those members of X satisfying P.


To the surprise of  the author, this rule was not at all important
to AM's behavior.